f o r t y - t w o

414 24 3

It's been a while....

Yeah okay so I'm not good at smut (like, I tried and it failed very very badly), so there's not really... going... to....ealjdsnadadlosiento


Louis and Harry's breaths were both ragged as they tried to catch their breath. A bottle of lube sat on the edge of the bed along with the ripped open condom packet. Louis rested on Harry's bare chest, they're legs entwined as the blanket draped over their bottom halves. 

Everything was perfect in that moment, it was peaceful and filled with happiness. It was all Harry and Louis could want in their day so far. 

"Lou," Harry whispered, his fingers caressing Louis' back. 

"Hm," Louis hummed, his own fingers trailing lightly over one of the swallow tattoos imprinted on the younger boy's chest.

Harry hesitated, not knowingif he was about to make the right decision here, but then he thought 'Fuck it' and went ahead with it anyways. 

"I love you, Lou."

Louis' breath hitched, the words foreign to him with the exception of his mother. He sat up, pulling away from Harry's embrace to which Harry let out an unsatisfied groan. Louis stood from the bed, grabbing his boxers and pulling them up. Louis was so ready to run away from this, he wasn't sure if he could handle this. 

Yes, Louis loved Harry.

Of course he loved him, but did he really want to be tied down right now?

His boyfriend sat up in bed, blanket still covering his private region. Harry's face was filled with a heart-wrenching sadness that pulled at the strings of Louis' heart. He sighed, realizing his overreaction.

He moved towards the bed before sitting on the edge, "You sure about that, Harry?"

"More sure than I've ever been."


ok it sucks im sorry DX

- hannah

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