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The scene is still fresh in my memory, as he hand over the dead child to her father's arms. He received his little girl who was still holding the flower in her hand even though she's no longer breathing. The father's scream echoed all over the place as he kneel in the ground, burying his face in his daughter's body. His breath becomes difficult as his sorrow field his heart. A young man is shouting, as he approaches us, he gathers all the air into his lungs, "Israel sent a large troops, what can we do now?" He said,The men step forward, "We will stand till the end, we will not leave our land till death" they said, "Allahu ahkbar!" The men, followed by the rest started to scream. And then, he closed his fist and said, "I'll take care of this myself" all of us, looked at him,   "Julius..." I said, while I attempt to slowly step forward, and my soft hands, slowly and slightly reaching out to him when suddenly, he turns his back on us, facing the direction where the Israel forces marching forward as the young man said so. And we saw this sight, which haunts all of us till this time even though the war is over and we are already free. The sight.... It was.... The face of the........ The face of the demon..

I cannot believe what I saw at that moment, the face of a demon, on the back of Julius, the sight where it will give you a nightmare. But even though I learned about his deepest secret hidden in the shadow of his life, my heart, still wants him, I still want him in my life. He may be a monster that can bring terror even to a nation, but his smile, his heart and his kindness, is all that I still remember in him. I wonder how he is now, and I can't wait to see him again one day after he will succeed on his plan, he considered it as a family reunion because as he said, he will finally meet his long lost father, and his two brothers. I will wait for him, to fulfill his words, "I shall return" before he flies to Japan and meet his long lost family in the capital city. 

Anyway, my name is Amira Ahmed, I'm currently 23 years old, a Palestinian girl who falls in love with a Filipino guy, everything begins in a simple incident.

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