Beast with a soft heart

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From my sleep, I  was awakened because of the knocking on the door of my room, Julius calling out my name, I opened the door slowly, and he told me that we will have a coffee. I go out and he leads me to the balcony where the coffee is ready on the table. He prepares the chair, "Have a seat" he then takes a seat on his chair after he prepares one for me, he takes a sip on his coffee while looking away. "Here, it's pandesal our local bread here for snack" he offers me round pieces of bread, and more variety of breads, and not bad that their bread here is that delicious which I want to bring home for my parents. I can't avoid taking a look at him, he is wearing a sleeveless, so that his skins, reveal so many scars on his arms and even on some part of his back. I want to ask, but I choose not to bother, maybe, it was too personal if I will ask about it, but the question is still in my mind, if how he got his scars.

"I'll go to the market later, I will buy something, do you want to come?" He said, "Y-yes, I will, can I?" I replied. After we finished our coffee, we went to the market together, I don't know why he buys so much foods, juice and toys, Aside from that, we eat outside together, I tried their street foods such as kwek kwek, Tempura and fishball. "ahmmm... Julius, may I ask? If you don't mind?" I asked, "Sure, what is it?" He replied, I asked about why he brought a lot of juice and toys, "This? You will find out later" he smiled. While walking, he don't look like the men I usually see in magazines and billboards, those men who make us girls scream and insane, but I felt different having him around, I feel happy, like I am in Jannah, I feel comfortable and safe around this average guy, but his muscles are like rocks, only if I can unsee, but I already saw it, he possessed a muscles that was not found in any average person, I'm more taller than him, but, I don't know why, I feel like he is much bigger than I am. I saw an old woman sitting on the sidewalk, she displayed a sliced raw mangoes, passer by stops and buy her mangoes and I can see they enjoy it. When suddenly an old man approaches her from behind and slices her neck and then he run as fast as he can. Why did that old man  do such a thing? What was her fault? The people around are startled, even I, but my instinct to help kicks in, so I ran and got Juliu's  towel he hangs around his neck, "Let me borrow this for awhile!" I ran to the old woman, put it on her neck to stop the bleeding, "Calm down, every thing will be fine, I'm a doctor ok?" She nodded, as she started to lose all her life force, but I try to prevent it on happening, then a nursing student approaches me, so I ask her to help me. I look around to check on Julius and he's gone, I tried to take a look and I see him from the distance dragging the old man who slash the old lady's neck, he's dragging him by his arms like a child, then he throw him in our area. I can't believe what Julius has done, I looked at the old man who was standing back on his feet, and then Julius lands infront of us. I can't see expressions in his face, not even tense. The man stand up, and pick the knife beside the sliced mangoes and charge towards Julius, what happen next shocks everyone including me. He punched in the air towars the man and the old man flew away, I can feel the force that was almost blowing me away. Julius sigh, "Boring" he said, "Among all people, I got another boring one" he said. The ambulance arrived, they take the old woman in the hospital and we found out that they were a couple, and the woman split up with him because he was an overly jealous person, he gets jealous of anyone she speaks with and then suspects her of having other man even though it is not true, so she decides to split up with him because he started to become violent. Julius and I was recognized and awarded, I can't believe that we are awarded in our act. After the incident, Julius and I went to an Orphanage, the children there ran towards Julius, "Kuya Julius!" The children shouted as they run towards him and wrap their arms around him. I can see Julius' smile, his smile is so bright, I can see the joy in his face. While watching them, I remember my people, those children in Palestine, I can't stop myself, so I ran outside. I go out and find a quite place to shed my tears.

I witnessed Julius' soft side, his love for the unfortunate children, but I wept because there's nothing I can do, to help the children in my own people, while Israel keeps oppressing them.

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