the last sunny day of november

Start from the beginning

I wiped my arms, legs, and face. He opened the pocket of our backpack and took out some money that I placed there when we went to go swim.

"Have you been here before?" I asked Darryl. It seemed that he knew a lot about the places around.

"I've been here all the time with my aunt before she moved," he threw on my hoodie that I gifted to him, and led me to the nearby ice cream parlor he was talking about.

We walked across the hot sand and got to a sidewalk. We walked for 5 minutes before we got to a building with a semi-long line. He turned to me and flashed a toothy grin. "I'm so excited! I haven't been here in years!"

"Then we should've invited your brother," I told him.

He raised and eyebrow as we moved up in line. "It was your idea for it to just be us,"

I laughed awkwardly. It was our turn to order. Darryl ordered chocolate ice cream, two scoops in a cup. I ordered one scoop cookies and cream and another of French vanilla in a cup.

Darryl payed with my money. He brought me on a walk around the beach as we talked. He talked about what he did in the orphanage, he helped cook, clean, and played with the younger kids. He was like an assistant that was also a orphan. He told me he and Ant were most likely getting adopted by George's parents since they are financially stable and in good conditions for new teenage boys.

We walked around the sandy terrain until he settled on a small sandy slope where we sat. There were barely anyone else there. We sat and watched the ocean waves crash to shore. He scooped ice cream onto his plastic spoon and placed the spoon in his mouth.

"If I'm lucky, and George's parents do end up adopting me, they'll end up adopting me 2 months before I'm due to leave the orphanage," he licked around his spoon.

"Why would you need to leave," I asked.

"I'm turning 18 in April!" He beamed, proudly.

"Oh," I focused onto the waves, seeing if they could go farther onto the shore than they did earlier, "I'm turning 18 in January,"

He frowned, "I always thought I was older than you,"

"I guess not," I said smugly.

He walked down the sandy slope and called me down from the slope too. He started to shape the sand to a sandy mound. He started to balance the sand to make it stand in a box shape, defying gravity. He smiled proudly.

"Come on now! Help me!" I sat my cup of ice cream down on the sand. I created a moat around the box sand building. I noticed his empty ice cream cup that was dirty from a small layer of meted ice cream.

"I'll go get water from the ocean," I took his cup and scooped water from the ocean, came back and filled the hollowed out moat with water. I also collected shells and bottle caps.

I kept going back and forth to the ocean until the moat was filled up. I added caps to represent windows and shells as decoration. I saw Darryl grab my ice cream cup and start eating from it.

"Darryl!" I yelled.

He laughed. "What? It's good," I sighed and laughed a little. I checked the time. It was barely 4. I propped a towel down onto the sand and laid down on it. I looked up and got blinded by the bright sun.

I laid in silence as Darryl kept shaping the sand. I looked up at the bright blue sky, reflecting on what Darryl said. I was really happy for him. Soon, he would get into an amazing family with rich and nice parents. Plus, George and Darryl would be brothers. Besides me, I'm pretty sure George was his best friend. I listened to the waves crashing against the shore until I decided it was time to go.

I sat up, "Let's go now. I don't want to stay here too long,"

He frowned, got up, and kicked the castle until it was just a pile of sand. "Goodbye beach. Until next time," Darryl patted the sand and got back up and followed me to the car.

I sighed, knowing we would probably get my dad's car's seat wet. I drove in silence until we got home. Darryl exited the car and I wiped the seats dry. I grabbed the backpack and wiped my feet. I entered the house with Darryl. Sam and my mom were cooking in the kitchen.

My mom raised an eyebrow at us. "Why are you boys wet? And why is Darryl here? Shouldn't he be at the orphanage? Why did you take your dad's car out?"

"We went to the beach. And Darryl is like the oldest one there, he's allowed to leave as long as he tells a worker. Dad gave me the keys," Darryl nodded and waved at my mom and awkwardly smiled at Sam.

Sam gave us a hurt look. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed Darryl's hand and led him upstairs. "Stay in my room. I'm going to take a bath,"

We got to my room and I got some clothes from my drawing and walked to my bathroom. I took a long, hot shower. I walked back into my room and saw Darryl lying down on my bed, on his phone. I sat next to him and smelled his sweater. "You stink. You're turn," I playfully pushed him off of my bed.

"Meanie," he got up and stole some of my clothes to wear after he finished taking a bath.

Once he left my room, I felt a vibration from my phone. It was a text from Clay.



I messed up big time.

Thank you for reading part 27 :)

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dw there's going to be a Clay POV

We're so close to 500 votes too!! Thank you guys a lot I never thought this story would blow up! You guys made quarantine a lot more fun : )

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