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Kyle knew that he could easily just, poof, to the Wilson's house but angrily walking with Flynn and Julie as they complained about they guys was way more entertaining.

'They just, think that now because they're ghosts they don't have any responsibilities! I literally hate ghosts.' Julie complained.
'Emrm.' Kyle fake coughed. 'I am right here.'
'Except for you, Ky. You're the exception.' She smiled.
'It's fine, I hate all alive people.' Kyle rolled his eyes.
'Wow...' Julie wiped a fake tear jokingly.

'What did he say? Did he say something mean because I will find a way to hurt him if he did.' Flynn said, defensive of her best friend.
'Oh no, no, no, no, no he was just making a joke.' Julie explained.
Flynn gave the air where Kyle was a dirty look.

The two girls and ghost eventually reached just outside the Wilson's, extremely large, home. It was even bigger than Kyle thought it was going to be. When Julie said rich, she meant rich!

The three ran into the front entrance.
'Ow! Jeez!' Flynn said as Julie bumped into her.
Julie, Flynn and Kyle quickly made their way to the door, the two girls making sure to stay low, Flynn tripping in her way there.

Julie rang the doorbell and quickly enough Carrie Wilson answered the door.
'Hey!' The two girls said together.

'What are you two doing here?' Carrie asked. 'How'd you get over the security gate?'
'Teamwork!' Julie chuckled. 'Do you have a band-aid? The barbed wires new.'

The fact that the Wilson's had barbed wire around their house kind of concerned Kyle. He understood having security guards and gates but what was it, a prison?

'What do you want?' Carrie asked, putting her hand on her hip.
'Uh... just thought you should know that Julies band is playing the dance tonight.' Flynn said, pointing her thumb at Julie.
'Now you know.' Julie finished.

'You guys are acting weirder than usual.' Carrie said.
'Probably cause we're thirsty.' Julie lied.
'Yeah.' Agreed Flynn.
'Can we come in for a glass of water?'
'Ugh. Fine, if it'll make you leave faster.'

The three stepped into the house.
'I'll go look for the guys.' Kyle whispered to Julie before going a separate way.

The house was so big he had no clue where to look. He started by going left, quickly checking the kitchen and looking into rooms. Annoyingly, he couldn't see any of the three ghosts in any of them, how he changed directions.

He walked into the main part of the house just in time to see Julie fake spill water all acier herself and the floor. Kyle stood there for a second looking at was happening.

'Oh my gosh. I am so sorry! No, no, no, no.' The teenage girl said. 'I know where the towels are. I'll get it.' Julie walked over to Kyle.
'No luck yet.' The ghost but said.
'C'mon.' The two began walking up the stairs as they could hear Flynn try to distract Carrie and her boyfriend Nick downstairs.

'Split up.' Julie whispered, walking one way as Julie walked the other.
Kyle proceeded to look in different rooms, only to find nothing. He walked into a bathroom, the guys weren't there but there was writing that said:

hello bobby

'Oh my- they are so... UGH.' Kyle said to himself before leaving the bathroom to find Julie who shook her head. The two walked back downstairs only to see the three ghosts, in the back garden, bottoms down, shaking their butts at Trevor in his helicopter.

'I'll let you deal with them.' Kyle smiled at Julie before putting himself on the couch next to Carrie, Nick and Flynn, who was showing the couple a picture of a raccoon in her back yard.

'How do you get your hair so smooth?' Kyle admired Carries hair, knowing she couldn't actually hear him.

Julie walked back inside a minute later and singled to the two to go.
'Thank you, Carrie, for the water. Bye now. Hope to see you at the dance.' Julie quickly grabbed Flynn who waved to them. Kyle quickly followed behind them.

'They said they'd be there for the dance.' Julie said to the two.
'They better.' Kyle said, as the two girls prepared to jump the barbed wire again.

Omg thank you so much for 2k reads and almost 100 votes? That's just WOW! I'm so grateful for every single one of you! <<33

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