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Eventually Monday came around, as it always did. Despite the fact that he was dead and didn't have to go to school or do any sort of work, Kyle still hated Monday's with a burning passion.

The rest of the weekend went by smoothly enough. It mainly just consisted of Julie and Luke writing new songs, the band rehearsing them and Kyle giving them the thumbs up on them.

The morning had started and Julie was off to school, leaving the four ghost boys to themselves in the Molina's studio. When Julie wasn't there they weren't really playing music, it was mostly just hanging out. The four decided to sit in the loft, since it was actually pretty cosy after most of their old things had been removed.

They were all just sitting there, Alex was playing with his drum sticks, Reggie was throwing some ball-like toy he found in the air and catching it, Luke was writing and Kyle was just fidgeting at his nails.

'Yo, guys. What do yous think of this?' Luke handed Alex a notebook with song lyrics. The blond than handed it to Kyle who read it then handed it to Reggie, who gave it back to Luke.

'I like it.' Alex approved.
'Same here, you're really talented!' Kyle said.
'What they said.' Reggie agreed.
'Thanks.' Luke smiled at the other boys.

The four went back to whatever they were doing before.
'Hey, do you wanna go out?' Alex asked Kyle, nudging his shoulder.
'Yeah, sure why not.' The two got up.

Alex looked at Luke, who just raised his ever brows up and down to the blond. Alex just glared at him in retaliation before following Kyle down the ladder.

The two walked outside before Kyle asked:
'Where to?'
'Beach?' Alex suggested.
'Read my mind' Kyle laughed before the two poofed out.


The sun was shining down on the California coast, it was nice and warm out as the two ghosts walked along the pier. The water splashed onto the sides of the pier.

Kyle and Alex walked slowly, admiring the view of the ocean.
'Me and the guys used to come down here, before we started playing like, proper gigs, and we would play our music for everyone.' Alex smiled, telling Kyle about his memories.
'Really?' Kyle asked.
'Yeah, we used the tips we got to kinda get ourselves started. That's why I love this place, we have a lot of good memories here.'

That made Kyle really sad.
'You guys are really talented. I just know yous were gonna make it huge.' The shorter boy tried to comfort him.
'Yeah man, just sucks that we died.' Alex joked.
'Hey, look on the bright side, everyone can see you when you play with Julie, how rad is that, man!' Kyle walked backwards in front of Alex.
'True, true.' The blond agreed.

Eventually the two got to the end of the pier, leaning on the railings.
The two just took in the beautiful view.
'I love the sea.' Kyle sighed, popping his head onto his arms that lay on the rails.
'Really? It's so... big, and like what is in there?' Alex said, expressing his slight fear of the ocean.
'I dunno, just think it's cool I guess.'

Kyle climbed up and sat on the ledge.
'Bro, be careful up there.' Alex said, worried.
'Yeah, yeah, I will be.' Kyle said, facing the older ghost. 'I mean, it's not really like I can die, can I?' He laughed.
'No, but you could fall in then get stuck out at the ocean for the rest of eternity. See why I'm scared of the ocean now?' Alex made a point.

'Sounds fun!' Joked Kyle, giving Alex a funny smirk.
Alex was becoming slightly worried at the boys behaviour as Kyle looked behind him at the ocean.
'Please, just get down don't be silly, Kyle.' Alex tried to reason with him.
'Fine, but only cause you said please. Help me down?' Kyle asked.

Alex walked closer to him, grabbing under Kyles legs and his back, picking up and carrying the smaller guy bridal-style.

'Alex!' Kyle exclaimed. 'Let me down!' He managed to break out of the stronger boys arms, stumbling onto the ground.

Kyle stood in front of Alex, angrily pouting at him. He looked annoyed on the outside, but on the inside it was a whole different story. The Kestell boys heart was beating way too fast for his own good as the two boys made eye contact.

Alex was also feeling the same as he looked down on Kyle. Their faces were a few inches apart and all both of them wanted to do was close the gap.
Kyle was never really brave but just this once he wanted to be, so he was.
'C-c-can i kiss you?' Kyle Kestell whispered to him, despite the fact that very few people, if any, could hear them m.
'Yeah, yes you can.' Alex replied.

So they did, Kyle kissed Alex down at the pier. And neither could be happier.

I finished by exams so I'll have more time to chill and update!


and basically I'm writing this at 1:06am on Saturday after having a wrecking week so yaw. 🤌👩🏻‍🦲😌🪐

Have an amazing day/afternoon/night!

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