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It was a beautiful day in California. Luke was writing songs for the band on the couch and Kyle and Alex were still cuddling in the loft. Reggie was hanging out with Julies dad. It wasn't really hanging out because Ray couldn't exactly see him, but Reggie liked it.

Kyle was sitting in between Alex's legs while Alex's back was against the wall, they were just chatting on and off quietly, as not to distract Luke from his writing. Even if they were not doing anything, each enjoyed being in his boyfriends company.

Suddenly Reggie poofed into the studio.
'Guys, I have news.' He said. Kyle and Alex looked at each other before quickly poofing down onto the ground floor.

'So...' the bassist began, building up tension. Luke raised his eyebrows for his band mate to continue.
'Julie was not kicked out of the band!' He said, earning a 'yes' from Luke.
'And... Ray got us a gig.'
'For real? Where?' Asked Luke enthusiastically.
'It's here, but, he is going to get some publicity stuff done... I don't know to be honest but it's gonna be good!'
'Nice!' Said Kyle. 'This will be great for you guys!'


The boys had been rehearsing for a couple hours. Luke had asked Julie to leave school early, but she had understandably refused because of what happened with skipping before.

The school day was nearly over and they knew Julie would be home soon, ready to rehearse with the guys.

Luke had went to the school to see Julie Molina earlier in the day, and they agreed on a performance of a song they made, called 'edge of great'.

Alex and Kyle had been a bit giddy all day, with the fact they had finally gotten together. Luke and Reggie were really supportive, the guys didn't even have to tell them.

Julie came home soon enough, ready to rehearse before the show. She sent out texts to people, inviting them to come watch.

The group rehearsed together for another couple hours, Kyle eagerly watching them and cheering them on at the end of different songs.
'That's my baby!' He shouted, referring to Alex, this caused Julie to look between the two boys.
'We're...' Alex stared 'We're together... boyfriends... partners... dating-'
'I think she gets it.' Said Luke, patting Alex's back.
Julie smiled at the two boys, showing her support.
'I'm happy for you two.' She said.
'Thanks, Julie.' Kyle smiled, grateful to have her as a friend.

'So! Enough chit-chat, let's rehearse!' The teenage girl said.


The time of the bands gig came around, Julie was looking out the window of the studio anxiously, dozens of people piled into her garden to see the performance.
'Hey, you good?' Kyle whispered to Julie as the guys chatted.
'Yeah, yeah, just thinking.' She said, offering Kyle a smile to reassure him.
'Okay, if there's anything you need just tell me.' He said. 'I'm so proud of you.' Kyle said to her.
'Thank you, Ky.' Julie said.
'God, I wish I could hug you right now.'
Before the conversation could continue, Flynn spoke into the microphone to announce The start of the bands gig.
'You can do this.' Kyle smiled to her before Julie walked out, taking her place at the piano.

Alex, Luke and Reggie walked over to Kyle, also ready to go on.
'Hey.' Alex said.
'Heya.' Kyle replied awkwardly.
The taller boy smiled at him, hands in his pockets.
'Umh... good luck out there, you're gonna do great, I mean you always do, but yeah.' Kyle rambled.
'Thank you. We're on in less than a minute.' Alex told him.
Kyle nodded his head not knowing what to say.
'How about a good luck kiss?' Asked Alex.
Kyle let out a small laugh before leaning up on his tippy toes and kissing his boyfriend.
'Alex, c'mon.' Luke said before Alex pulled away, leaving to go perform with the rest of them.

Kyle poofed out about 10 seconds later to watch them. The song, 'edge of great', was amazing. It was clear that Luke and Julie had great chemistry while singing. Everyone was dancing around, enjoying themselves. Julies dad and brother were creating content to put online, so that the band could get more recognition

The song ended after Luke sat down at the piano with Julie, just making Kyle ship them even more than he already did. The teen poofed back into the studio, where the guys were waiting for the next song to begin.
'Told you guys you were gonna kill it!' He said.


Julie, Flynn, Ray and Carlos were inside, celebrating the success of Julie and the Phantoms gig with pizza, which the guys obviously couldn't eat. The four ghosts were playing basketball in the yard, shooting hoops.
'Feels like we should be celebrating or something. What do you guys wanna do?' Suggested Reggie.
Before antibody could respond, a jolt hit the three band mates, causing them to fall to the ground.
'Not that.' Said Alex.
'That wasn't like the other ones. It's getting worse.' Luke pointed out.
Kyle watched them get up, scared for the three and their well-being.
'Why is this happening to us?' Asked Reggie.

'It's because you guys are in some serious trouble.' A voice said. Willie walked towards them.
'Willie?' Asked Alex.
'We need to talk.' The groups new friend said in a serious tone.
'Willie? What's going on with them?' Asked Kyle.
'It's a lot to explain.' He said back.
'Ky, you stay here, okay? Willie will tell us what it is and then I'll tell you.' Alex walked over to Kyle, trying not to let his boyfriend worry.
'Okay, yeah. Please be safe.'
'I will. I promise.' Alex held out his pinkie for a pinkie promise, which Kyle retuned.
The blond gently kissed his partner goodbye, before proofing off with the other three.

'Stay safe.' Kyle whispered, hoping that no matter where he was, Alex would hear him.

Omg I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update! Anyways happy new year lovelies, I hope 2021 has been treating yous well (although it has been crazy so far) but yeah!
I took a short break because of the holidays and ive had to start online school so that's been crazy but the one bonus is that i finally cleared myself a designated work space so I can write there!

Anyways, I hope yous liked this chapter and that you have an amazing day?

- Orin <3

𝙝𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪- 𝘼𝙡𝙚𝙭 𝙈𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙚𝙧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora