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The wind of the Hollywood night blew in Kyle Kestells face as he walked the city streets. He had walked for a solid three hours, going close to his old neighbourhood but then chickening out, then walking all the way back to the city centre.

The streets were loud as people walked, most with friends who were laughing and enjoying their lives.
Kyle watched, unknowing to the people as he wished he was in their place. That he was living his life which was cut too short.

The moon had long risen in the sky and the city was lit up. Kyle turned off a street and onto the Hollywood Boulevard. If he hadn't of die at his is where he would of been going that night, but that obviously did not happen. Then he seen it, it was the sign for the Orpheum.

It still looked exactly how Kyle remembered from the times he had seen it as a teenager. The ghost began walking again but quickly halted when he saw Luke, Alex and Reggie walking the opposite direction. They hadn't seemed to notice him yet.

'Keep your head down, Ky.' the teen muttered to himself. That plan didn't last long because Kyle heard a voice yelling
'Hey, Kyle!'
The boy turned around to see Alex.
'Oh, hi. I ,umh, didn't see you.' Kyle began to say
'Alex! C'mon!' Luke yelled at the blond.
'Wanna come with?' Alex invited Kyle to what ever strange ghostly activity they were doing.
'Oh yeah sure. The boys won't mind though?' Kyle hesitantly accepted.
'Oh no, not at all.'

The two teens began to catch up to their friends.
'Hey guys.' Kyle greeted Luke and Reggie.
'Hi, Kyle.' The two band mates said in unison.
'We're just going back to the studio. You coming?' Luke asked.
'Oh, yeah sure of you don't mind.' The Kestell boy gave a smile before they all walked back to the Molina's household.

They got to the front door around sunrise then 'poofed' (as the guys called it) into the garage. To their surprise there sat Julie on the piano, as she sang a song. The four stood in silence as she continued.

She ended her song as the boys watched, her not knowing they were there. Julie picked up the music sheet and held it to her chest, hugging it. Alex obvious ally felt bad and went to go check on her, but Luke pulled him back, proofing them out of the studio.

'Oh, dude, why'd you stop me? Julie needs a hug.' Alex said, slightly annoyed.

'Bro, a ghost hug isn't the feel-good moment that you think it is. All right?.' Luke replied.
'Trust me. What Julie needs right now is just a bit of privacy.'

'You know what? I think you poofed us out because you can't handle when people cry.' Alex snapped back at luke.

Kyle just watched, feeling bad for the blond boy who clearly had been in Julies position before.

'I should know. I cried in a room for twenty-five years, and I didn't get a single hug from either of you.' Alex said, confirming what Kyle had previously thought
'All right, bring it in.' Reggie went to go and hug Alex
'Don't touch me!' Alex stopped him.
'This is why no one hugs you.'
Kyle laughed a little at reggie comment.

'Okay. I think the first thing we should do, once we get the courage to go in there, is ask Julie why she lied about playing the piano.' Luke suggested
'Yeah, you know, maybe tell her how amazing she is.' Alex added
'Yeah, I agree.' Said Kyle
'She's legit' said Reggie 'I got ghost bumps.'

Suddenly a crying girl walked past the boys, sobbing quietly.
'Oh my gosh. Was she crying too?' Asked Alex.
'No, her eyes are just wet.' Kyle replied sarcastically.'
'Yes!' Said Luke as he turned around to face the three other boys. 'And the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two girls crying.'
'He's right' Alex agreed
'Yeah.' Said Kyle.

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