Chapter 8

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Author pov

They arrived at the mansion and Jin parked the car in front of it. He glanced towards the passenger seat and saw that Jungkook was in a deep slumber.

His cheeks were red and his lips were slightly pouty. He look like a Cute baby and Jin smiled fondly . He reached his hand towards him and lightly shooked his shoulders to woke him up "Hey kid wake up, we've arrived " But it was of no use. He gave up after the fifth try.

Sighing he got out of the car and jogged towards the passenger seat. He opened the car door and tried one last attempt to woke Jungkook up but the latter just whined and snuggled closer to the comfortable seat.

Having no other choice Jin carefully unbuckled the seatbelt and carried Jungkook inside the mansion.

Jungkook snuggled closer to Jin's chest , a sighed of contentment left his lips.

Some of his men rushes towards Jin to help him but he signalled them that he will do it and started making his way towards Jungkook's room.

Once he reached Jungkook's room he grabbed the door knob and open the door carefully so that he won't drop Jungkook in the process.

He then walked towards Jungkook's bed and settled him down . He took Jungkook shoes off and tucked him in. He will woke him up later for dinner.

He left his room and close the door behind him and locking it. "Boss" Someone suddenly called him out and he already knew who it was without even looking "What is it Yoongi?" He asked and started walking towards his office with Yoongi tailing behind him.

"I have prepared the room no. 201 and everything is there for you to use "He informed which makes Jin stopped walking. He already forgotten about it " Oh, But I won't be using it now. I changed my mind " He said and waved his hands dismissively.

"Bu-" Yoongi tried to protest I mean why won't he, he worked his ass off to prepare that room "No buts Yoongi, I said I changed my mind and that's it. End of the subject , call me if you have something important to inform. I will be at my office doing some paperwork" "Ok boss" Yoongi bow and left.

Jin reached his office and he started doing some paperwork right away.

Later that evening

Jin finished doing his work and he was really grateful for it. He glanced up at the clock and noticed that it was already dinner time, He didn't notice it was already late as he was busy with his works .

When he was about to got up from his chair his work phone started to rang. Noticing who it was, he immediately pick up the call.

"Hello...... Oh at the end of this year.... Great... Yeah.... OK bye " He hung up.

Sighing he got out of his office and made his way towards Jungkook's room. Once he reached there he was about knocked on the door but he halt.

There was someone singing inside the room and it was obvious that it was Jungkook. He quietly opened the door and noticed that He was sitting by the window. The moon light shining upon his face and his angelic voice make it look so surreal.

On days I hate being myself, days I want to disappear forever
Let's make a door in your heart
Open the door and this place will await
It's okay to believe, the Magic Shop will comfort you

While drinking a glass of hot tea
And looking up at the Milky Way
You'll be alright, oh, this here is the Magic Shop

So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you

Jin was mesmerized , The way Jungkook sang the song was so beautiful. Ofcouse he had heard many good singers but this was different.

You gave me the best of me
So you'll give you the best of you
You found me. You knew me
You gave me the best of me
So you'll give you the best of you
You'll find it, the galaxy inside you

So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you

Once Jungkook finished singing he turned around and screamed when he saw a black silhouette . Jin himself was startled because of the scremed.

"Hey kid it's me " Jin said and emerged from the dark "Why would you do that? I was scared shitless! I thought it was a ghost " Jungkook yelled still looking a bit terrified .

"Don't be stupid ghost doesn't exist " Jin scoffed Jungkook was about to protest that ghost do exist but Jin held his hand up gesturing him to be quiet.

" I came here to call you for dinner, come on let's go " He said in which Jungkook nodded . They both made their way to the dining table 

Once they reached the dining table Jin gestured Jungkook to sit. The food was served and they both started to eat quietly.

"Jungkook" Jin called out his name for the first time which make Jungkook perked his head up. Meanwhile Jin felt kinda overwhelmed when he said that name.

"Y-yes" He stuttered he didn't feel any surprised that the man knows his name. I mean he was a Mafia leader after all.

"From tomorrow you will start your training with me, I have a mission for you so, don't ever think of lacking because the consequences will be not good " He warned. Jungkook looked down ,of course he knew it would happen.

"Can I at least meet Hoseok hyung before I start the training " He pleaded with his teary eyes and Jin didn't have the courage to say no.

"Fine, I will bring him here tomorrow but you have only 10min to meet him " Jungkook nodded his head vigorously. Even though it was only 10min at least he could meet his hyung.

"Now it's late go back to bed. I know you already know your way back " Jin said and he got up to go to his room but Jungkook called him out "W-wait " Jin arched an eyebrow "What? " he asked "um I just wanted to know what will I called you as" He said scratching the back of his nap "Oh Just called me mister Kim and by the way my name is Kim Seokjin " Jungkook scrunched his nose.

"But calling you mister kim ...its... It's a bit boring if you might asked me " Jin widened his eyes "What do you mean " .

"I mean it's boring and it's sounds old " he said shaking his head "Oh yeah then do you have any better name to call me " Jin said while crossing his arms above his chest, tapping his foot on the ground.

"Oh wait let me think " Jungkook tapped his finger above his chin. He widened his eyes and smile.

"I will call you Sj, isn't it cool! " He exclaimed and Jin just looked at him in disbelieved. "No way, that name sounds ridiculous . You are going to call me Mr. Kim" Jin said shaking his head "But it's cool, I'm going to call you that and besides Mr. Kim sounds old" .

"Are you saying that I'm old " "Well kind of " He shrugged.

"Well excuse me I'm not old. Look at me I look everything but old " He waved his hands dramatically. " Yes you are not old so I will call you Sj... Goodnight " Jungkook said and ran towards his room .

Jin was watching him in disbelieved, eyes wide and mouth agape. This kid was really something.

He doesn't want to admit but Jungkook really reminded him of Taehyung. He sighed, What was he even thinking.

He glanced last time towards where Jungkook heads off and started walking towards his room.


My exams are coming in just two months and I think I'm going to fucked up so bad.

Anyways Jin's Birthday is tomorrow and I'm so excited. I will also update both of my books tomorrow.

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Take care and stay safe

I purple you 💜

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