Chapter 7

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Author pov

Jin lead the way with Jungkook tailing behind him. When they got out of the mansion Jungkook noticed that there was a car parking outside the mansion.

Suddenly Jungkook yelp when Jin pulled him by the wrist . " Why are you so slow? We don't have all day" Jin barked making Jungkook flinched.

He was pushed in the passenger seat. Jin jogged his way towards the driver seat and got in.

"Put on your seatbelt" He ordered not looking at Jungkook. The Younger nodded his head and tried to put on the seatbelt but it was hard for him, heck it was his first time sitting inside a car .

Seeing his struggle Jin sighed and leaned in to help him. Jungkook looked away trying to hide his embarrassment.

After Jin helped Jungkook with the seatbelt he started driving the car. It was now 20min and Jungkook still doesn't know where they were going , So he decided to ask.

"Um where are going? " He asked tilting his head "You will know soon we are about to arrive " Jin just shortly answer and just focused on driving the car.

Jungkook pouted and crossed his arms above his chest. Jin could see from his peripheral vision that Jungkook was pouting which make him smile. Jungkook look so cute when he was pouting.

Jin just want to pinched his cheeks . Soon they arrived at their destination.
When the car stopped Jungkook perked his head to look where the hell they were. But to his surprise they were outside the.... Mall?

'why are we here? Why did this man brought him to the mall?' but his thoughts came to halt when his door was suddenly open. Jin gestured him to come out and follow him which he did.

Once they entered the mall Jin slunged his arms around Jungkook who was a bit startled from the sudden action which Jin ignored.

"Why are we here? " Jungkook asked again and he was sure that if the man didn't answer him again he would literally strangle him "To buy you some clothes. Duh"Jin said which made Jungkook confused "But you told me that you are going to punish me " Jin just glanced at him before he spoke "Well I can punish you later but now we need to buy you some clothes"

With that being said he dragged Jungkook towards the male clothing section which was for Alphas.
"Choose whatever you want. I will be waiting here and yeah don't try to run away because it wont be to hard for me to hunt you down " he threatened .

Jungkook refrained himself from rolling his eyes but nodded before heading off to look for some clothes.

Jin was waiting it was already 30min but Jungkook still didn't came back. He sighed and started looking for Jungkook which he found wandering around looking at the clothes. He find it cute when Jungkook hold up the shirt and widened his eyes before putting it down.

He made his way towards him "Hey" He suddenly called out which made the latter startled "Why are you taking so damn long?" He arched his eyebrows.

"It just the clothes is to expensive. I was looking for cheaper one" He said while fiddling the hem of his shirt looking down.

Jin chuckled fondly "I guess I will do it for you then " Jin said which made Jungkook perked his head up and Just like he said he was the one shopping for Jungkook's clothes. Making him try the Outfit he picked out for Jungkook which surprisingly fit perfectly.

After they were done they goes to pay for the clothes. Jungkook eyes came out from it's socket when he saw the price which Jin paid like it was nothing to him. After they paid they head out

The Alpha's Son | JinkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora