Hermione and Harry lower their wands.

"Ron..." I say.

"They doesn't deserve to just leave given everything they've done! Look at them they're helpless can't we get just a bit of revenge?!" Ron spits out.

"Ron no it doesn't matter what they did, we don't have time for this. Everyone will realize we've left sooner or later." Hermione snaps at Ron.

Hermione grabs Ron's hand and stares him down. He slowly lowers his wand. Draco and I slowly walk backwards and they don't take their eyes off us.


Out of the darkness a flash of red light comes shooting at me. Draco pushes me back and I realize he stepped in front to take the hit. He lies unconscious on the ground at my feet. I look up and see that Ron had shot the spell, they all stare at us shocked. Out of rage I raise my hands up and they fly up into the air. Then I let them fall, I hear a thud as they hit the ground. They quickly get to their feet and hold their wands at me.

"There's three of us, one of you. You really wanna do this?" Harry asks.

I hesitate to respond, I don't have anyone to siphon only the magic I took before Draco got hit. I didn't know if I could fight but without thinking I said yes.

"Come at me." I say and quickly regret that decision.

  All of them throw spells at the same time. I constantly block them. I could feel the magic slipping out, I've been wasting it by defending.

  "Invisique." I whisper and they pause.

I quietly walk over behind Hermione and grab her by the arms. I reappear with Hermione in my grasp. Harry and Ron quickly turn to face me.

  "Now if you don't want anything drastic to happen, first I'd suggest lowering your wands. Second I'll let you guys leave no harm done." I struggle to hold Hermione as she's constantly moving and I don't have my vampire strength.

  Harry and Ron look at each other. Hermione stops moving and everyone's silent. I relax my grip a bit, my arms are tired from holding her.

  All of a sudden I feel an elbow hit me in the face. I fall backwards onto the ground releasing Hermione. When I look up all three of them are pointing their wands right at me.

  "Don't move. We don't want to hurt you. But if you keep interfering we'll have to." Harry warns me.

  "I could take you all out right now. Ad somnum." I wave my hand but nothing happens.

  "You run out of magic?" Hermione smiles.

  "The second you betrayed us I read all the books on your family. I know that you can only do magic if you take it. But that runs out once you use it, leaving you powerless. Unless your a vampire but seeing as your spell didn't work, somehow your no longer a vampire." Hermione says.

I look at all of them. Then look at Hermione, there's nothing I can do. I won't let them know I'm afraid. If I do then they win, and well I don't lose.

"What are you gonna do about it? Hurt me? Sure now I'll feel the pain much worse then before, but what do you get out of it?" I let out a small laugh.
"I mean go right ahead, let me feel the pain."

They stay silent their eyes darted at each other. Probably seeing what they should do. I didn't think they would hurt me no matter what I did. They're good people they wouldn't do anything. That's what I'm praying on, they don't have the gut.


The trio turned to see who had spoke. I couldn't get a clear view but it sounded like Draco.

"Let her go." Draco says stubbornly.

"We were just defending ourselves from your insane girlfriend." Ron says offensively.

"Yeah well maybe if you hadn't shot the spell we wouldn't be in this?" Draco snaps back.

I slowly stand up while they are distracted. Then I back away from them. They keep bickering back and forth. If I can reach the wall of the castle I can get some magic. There must be magic in the walls. As I'm backing away I feel my back hit something. It grabs me by the arms, when I turn my head to see, it was Harry. He knocks me forwards towards Hermione.

"Take your girlfriend and leave." Harry quietly yells and shoves me at Draco.

I fall into his arms and he catches me. Once I regain my balance he takes my hand and pulls me away. We run back to the side door out of the great hall and enter back inside. Thankfully the ball was still going on and no one saw us.

I thought we were going to stop in the great hall but Draco kept pulling me and I just followed. He headed down the dark and empty hallways.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

He ignores my question and keeps going. When finally we reach a door. He opens it and takes me inside. It's an empty classroom, he lets go of my hand and turns to face me.

"Draco why are we here?"

"You see I thought we might need a bit more excitement." He says and takes my arm.

"Excitement?" I ask as he comes closer.

Then his hand grabs my neck and he pulls me closer. This took me by surprise and I let out a small jump. He stares down at me and I look up at him. I could feel my heart beat getting faster and faster.

He leans down and his lips met mine. My heart now pounded with this feeling. The feeling intensified and we were suddenly knocking over desks. Then we fell onto the ground. I always try to keep this wall up to keep everyone out. With Draco he weakens me to my core. His hands slide down my body as he was on top of me.
  All of a sudden the doorknob started to rattle. We stopped instantly and looked over at it. I motion for him to put his clothes back on fast. We stand up and I quickly put my dress on, as he puts his pants back on. He starts to slide his shirt on not having time to button it before the door blasts open, and Snape was standing in the doorway.

  We make eye contact with him, speechless. He stares back at us looking terrified.

  "Would you like to explain this?" He says sharply.

  "Uhh, so do you want the real reason or the fake reason? Because I don't have a fake reason and well, I don't think you want to hear the real reason." I stutter.

  He gives me a not very impressed look.

  "So well, we were...uhh...f-fucking eac..h..other?"

  "50 points from Slytherin." He gives us a disgusted look and walks away.

  I look at Draco with an almost laugh. He looks at me and restrains his smile.

  "That was definitely exciting." I give in and laugh.

  He lets out a chuckle. "Most definitely."

  "Let's go back to the dorm before he comes back. So button your shirt." I say.

  "Okay okay." I starts to button his shirt and we hurry out of the classroom.

  We pass many students and try not to look at anyone. But we make it to the dorm pretty fast and head up to Draco's room.
  Once we get inside we lock the door and I put on comfortable clothes. Then we lay on the bed. I lay in his arms.

  "With what happened today I can't even defend myself. I run out of magic pretty quickly. If they had the gut I would be most likely dead." I say disappointedly.

"I could've helped you if I had my wand. I left it up here because I didn't think I'd need it." Draco replies.

"But before I could do almost anything. Now I was terrified of being powerless. Three wands pointed straight at me."

"You shouldn't worry about that. Your strong, and I believe you would've found your way out of that situation."

"Thanks I guess. I just that fight it wasn't even worth fighting. I just wasted magic and they knew if I used all my magic on defense I couldn't attack."

"Well next time we will be ready, you will have more magic. We will be prepared." Draco reassures me.

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