Chapter 34

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Your POV:

"Someone went missing again,"

Whining, I cover my face with my pillows, drowning the voice out "Let me sleep Taehyung,"

"I'm not your loverboy now get the heck up, we've work to do and you still need to tell us about the message on the wall,"

I hear more footsteps clamouring in, with a sigh I swung my feet off the edge of the bed "Give me a moment to brush my teeth ...and he's not my lover,"

"Then why would you immediately assume someone waking you up was him?" Noah bent down to my eye-level, wiggling his brows "did you sleep with him?"

"Yea..." rubbing my eyes, the meaning of my words finally hit my sluggish brain  "Wait no! I meant normal sleep,"

Namjoon stood by the doorway, stifling a chuckle, an impish smile spreading across his lips

"Ehh, so no naughty naughty-" Lorraine's hand clamps over Noah's mouth before he could further say anything.

"Shut up, Noah. Let her be," She nods my way, turning to Namjoon now.

After freshening up I made my way back to them, all sitting in a circle, looking ready to play duck duck goose, except their faces told a different story.

Clearing my throat, I plop down next to Lorraine. Taehyungs right, I pick my adjective, I don't want to be pathetic, I want to help and to do that, I need to trust her. If she betrays it ...then she's just a grade A arse-hat.

"I heard people talking yesterday in the vents, one of them is one of the managers on board,"

"So it is an inside job, I knew it!" Noah fist-bumps the air. Jimin whos beside him doesn't seem to know what Noahs doing but copies him anyhow, Yoongi copies them both with less exaggerated movements.

"Shut up, Noah," Lorraine glares his way before turning back to me, urging me to continue.

"Her sur name is Liu, she's related to Hannah, an abductee, and she was talking to someone who seemed to be the boss, maybe even the killer perhaps but it was another woman, her voice was nothing like the one on the speakers,"

"By any chance.. do you think she used a voice changing app or made someone else speak in her place?" Namjoon intervened "it would throw the investigator off case after all, making it easier for her to blend in and capture her victims too since everyone suspects it's a man,"

Holy- Namjoons a genius.

"It's possible, by the way remember that five-eyed monster that shocked Jungkook?" Upon the reminder of the incident Jungkook shudders, head nestling onto Hoseoks shoulder for comfort, while a few others nod. 

"Are you sure he had five eyes?" I ask.

Namjoon translates it to Jungkook, who in turn dashes out into the main room, throwing clothes out of his suitcase. Running back in, he jumped right over the sofa and Yoongi, sitting down in the centre of the circle, presenting a little red ball eyeball, exactly like the ones I saw.

"I think the rebels name is Ryuu, and it wasn't a monster, it was only a man wearing a mask, he only had four red eyes. He told me to get out at once before the two women find me ...and I think he's the same man that tried to kidnap Taehyung,"

"Are you sure?" Namjoon definitely doubted me, well it did sound elaborately ridiculous.

"I'm sure, it was a dark in the vent so I didn't get too good of a look but he's definitely similar plus he had a newly healed wound exactly where I had smashed a glass onto his head,"

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