Chapter 10

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Your POV:

My eyes slowly peeled themselves open, I move my hands to rub my eyes but I can't.

I shift and wiggle about under the blanket. When did I ever burrito wrap myself in a blanket?

With a few more wiggles I roll out of the cotton confinements and also roll off my bed. Landing with an audible thud.

A thud loud enough for Taehyung to wake up too, staring at me bleary-eyed and with a little drool on the side of his mouth.

He moved to sit on the edge of his bed as he flattened out his hair then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Good not night," he sleepily mumbles, body swaying from side to side, debating if he should return to slumber or not.

"Same to you," I half guessed, scrambling to my feet. There were no windows here, no way to tell the time other than the clock on the wall.


Oh my, perhaps we've dozed off for too long, it's been nearly 2 hours.

"Taehyung did anyone come here, did your brother come here?"

He scratches the back of his head, stifling a yawn "My brother in South Korea,"

Damn how many brothers does he have?

"Other brother, your-" what was the word he used? Hyung? "Your hyung?"

His head tilted slightly to the side, mouth hung slightly agape, he always does this when confused.

"Jin?" I half-questioned it myself, honestly I only remembered his name through the puns, thus I'm sure I'm butchering the pronunciation.

The door slams open.


6 men; Dorito boy, 2 who found Taehyung and I yesterday and two new faces all poured in.

But where is his brother Jin?

I stayed rooted on my bed, snuggling into Jins blazer as the 6 of them piled onto Taehyung.

My eyes search for my friends, they should be here too right? But the only other that entered is Hannah's aunt.

She shut the door and sauntered over to the foot of my bed.

"Where..." I trailed off seeing her usually perfect and prim bun now messy with a lock of hair hanging out. Her face pale and her professional composure cracked.

"Where's Lynne, Atlas, Liam..," I trailed off again, maybe they weren't here because they didn't want to be.

"Lynne's cold got worse, she's running a fever now. Atlas is looking after her,"

"Hannah and Liam?" I hopefully ask, peering at the door again, maybe she's hiding by the frame or perhaps Liam finally grew a pair and asked Lynne on a date? Bad timing for a date though, there's a killer on the loose and she's sick.

"Hannah's missing."

At first I thought her aunt was joking, I wished she was joking.

But she wasn't.

"Since when?" I choked out.

"Around midnight, Liam went missing at 6 this morning, a few other staff members and 3 passengers ...your alibi as well,"

Huh 6 in the morning? But I saw them then. Her aunt must've noticed my confusion, she pointed at the clock.

"It's 11.45 a.m, you were asleep for over 12 hours,"

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