Chapter 20

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Another day went by, so much for 'getting me out within a day'.

1p.m, lunch time.

As per schedule the door opened, the squeaky wheels of the food cart rolled in. I lazily rolled to my side, wondering what will be for lunch today.

My jaw falls, standing there dishing out the food is Noah and Atlas.

"Atlas," I called out, sitting up now. His eyes meet mine as he hands Jimin a plate. 

His gaze trembling, lips quivering, so unlike himself, he quickly averts my gaze and returns to handing plates out.

It was only for a moment, but in that moment pure, unfiltered fear radiated off him.

No way ....does he think I'm actually the killer? or an accomplice?

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked once more, hedging towards the foot of my bed.

He ignores me, handing a plate to Jungkook with a polite smile.  


My eyes meet Noah's now, he only shrugs as a response clearly not wanting to get involved in this.

Well then, if he's not going to look at me, I'll make him do so, I hop off the bed, storming right up in front of him.


His gaze meets mine but he still refuses to say anything.

...what did I do wrong?

"Why are you ignoring me?"

No response.

"Is Lynne's fever better at least?"

At this worry flashed over his face, as if he forgot something, he looked at me, mouth parted to speak but once our gazes met he bit his lip shut and just shook his head, handing me a plate of food.

So Lynne is still sick? It's been so long is it serious? What even is the cause of the fever? But there was 1 more pressing question that I needed to ask.

"Did Hannah and Liam come back?"

He raised his head, looking down at me with tears pricking his eyes "You're holding up the line, please move ma'am,"


"I- I ..I can wait," I hear Namjoons voice weakly protest behind me.

"Ma'am," Atlas said once more, gesturing for me to move. Fine, I thought if anyone were to trust me and believe I'm not the murderer it would be my own friends but clearly I stand corrected. Have they no faith in me?

Here I was, dreaming that I'd be warmly welcomed by him and Lynne once I'm released but clearly dreams are meant for sleeping.

"Assh*le," I muttered out in the spur of the moment, walking back to my bed.

He still said nothing and continued on handing out plates.

Once everyone had a plate, Atlas strolled out not even sparing me a glance. Noah whispered something to him to which he nodded.

Oh so he responds to some stranger but not me!

Atlas waited outside the door, keeping his gaze on the floor, Noah jogged back to me.

"I'll be in contact with you once you're out of here Ms. Not available," he points a finger gun at me and then scurries back to Atlas, locking the door and leaving.

I can't believe he would really believe that I would ever do something like this to Liam and Hannah of all people.

I see Namjoon talking at the speed of light to the rest who diligently ate and listened.

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