Chapter 5

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"Heol, uri taehyungie..."
(*shock* Our Taehyungie)


A mush of words woke me up, were they even words? They sounded like random noises to me.

The noises persisted so I shifted slightly, dragging my pillow so that it lay on my ear to muffle out the noises, a light scent of lavender wafting through the air

"Pal bwa. Pal bwa,"
(Look at the arm ×2)

"Ah neomu gwiyeowo,"
(Ah so cute)

What on Earth do Liam and Atlas want this early in the morning?

(Hey wake up)

At this I jolted up grabbing the pillow to throw at them, I love my friends but they should know better than waking me up so early. Clearly they had no will to live so I'm going to help them achieve their objective.

"Do you desire death," I slowly turn only my head to glare in their direction ....but it's not them.

3 men, whom I've never seen before, one of them seeming unbothered another 2 petrified, stared back at me.

"Museowo," one of them mumbled out before hiding behind the shoulder of an orange haired man.
(I'm scared)

"Wah, Sadako-cheorom" the third man, with bright eyes and a well sculpted face leaned down to my eye-level.
(Wah, looks like Sadako¹)

I scream and he screams back, I tried to hurl the pillow at them but only then do I realise that it's not a pillow, it's Taehyungs arm.

Everything hit me like a truck, the soft rays of the sun rising, salty wet air, the cold metal ground beneath me, my lower body clasped between his legs, his eyes wide open and just as shocked and all of yesterdays memories.

Jumping out out of his cage of limbs, 4 sets of curious eyes followed me, I armed myself with my high heels. Who knew they were multi-purpose.

"Who on Earth are you?"

What if these guys are working with the kidnapper?

"uh... my .. they my brothuh," Taehyungs raspy voice broke through the silence as he propped himself up into a seating position.

Oh .... the brothers.

This is good.

I can leave!

"Excuse me coming through," I quickly said before diving through the small gap between the 3 brothers and the door.

"Wait!" One of them called out, I've no clue who but I kept on going, throwing one of the high heels back at them.

Whether Taehyung was a 'good boy' or a 'bad boy' wasn't going to make me stay with 4 random guys on the edge of a ship where they could easily throw me overboard. I have this thing called common sense and a fear for my safety.

I kept on running as fast as I could, which wasn't that fast considering my feet were still reasonably sore.

But 'A' for effort right?

And thats when I saw him.

The shit that got me into this mess. He didn't look half as intimidating as he did yesterday, and with the injury he's clearly disadvantaged.

"OI!" I hollered, causing him to freeze right then and there.

My memory is a little hazy but it's definitely him, he even had a gauze bandage over the place that I smashed my glass onto.

Taehyungs scared face from yesterday popped into mind. My own throbbing feet served as a painful reminder as to the evil he has done. Add that all in with my utter lack of sleep and aching body from sleeping on the ground...

Common sense and fear for my safety have long gone.

Taehyung POV:

"Wait!" Jin hyung yelled.

Only to have a shoe come flying in his direction. His arms shot up defensively before he swatted away the flying shoe.

Aish, he got what he deserved for scaring her like that. Leaning all close and saying she looks like Sadako.

"We should, return her shoe," I said scrambling to my feet and picking it up while going after her.

"Who is she?" Jimin asked, popping up beside me.

I have no clue except...

"The girl that saved my life."

"What do you mean Taehyungie?" Yoongi hyung spoke up this time, hand brushing through his orange hair.

"I'll tell everyone later but she saved me and it's dangerous for her now, that person ... they could come after her now?"

I hastened my step, she's just a young person all out here on her own trying to do her job. If she gets abducted or killed for trying to save me, I wouldn't be able to live it down.

"I don't think you need to worry about her," Yoongi hyungs hand gripped onto my shoulder, pulling me to a stop. All four of us stopped and stared at the sight before us.

My attacker from last night with her on his back, legs around his waist and a hand around his neck.

"Exactly what the fvck gives you the right to do what you did yesterday,"

With another hand she's holding her shoe while repeatedly whacking him as he tried to pry her off.

"I swear if I get severe foot damage from this I'll hunt you down to pay my medical bills,"

"Look I'm sorry but-"

She slapped him with the side of her shoe and he stopped talking. Beside me Jimin shuddered.

"Scary," he mumbled.


"It wasn't what it looked like,"

"Then what huh?"

"It's all part of a plan-"

"I hope you planned your funeral too!"

Half the words didn't register in my brain but I get the gist of what she's saying. This is definitely not what I expected to say the least's oddly amusing.

"Wow" Yoongi commended.

At once she froze, holding her hands up like a guilty criminal. In that moment he managed to force her legs off him and she came crashing onto the ground.

"You fvcking asshat, you'll be paying for my hip replacement when I'm 60!" She yelled at his retreating figure, her hair falling in front of her face.

"Wah," Jin hyung softly exclaimed beside me "That girl really is possessed,"

Yoongi hyung snorted while Jimin let out a small yelp of fear.

"Girl?" I called out, I didn't get her name. She tensed up and faced us, running a hand through her disheveled hair.

"Hi," she did a small wave before springing up to her feet, I didn't miss the way she slightly grimaced when her feet hit the floor.

Hm, they must still hurt.

Since she saved me, I should repay her.

Walking in front of her I crouched down again like yesterday "I carry,"

"No thanks. Bye, no offence but I hope we don't meet again,"

Pitter-pattering of footsteps scurrying away echoed, but by the time I could even register what she said or turn around I see her figure shoot past me and sprint straight down the hallway.

One shoe with her and another left behind in my hands. Cinderella.

1: Sadako is the name of the girl from the Ring

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