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Kenma's fingers shivered as he tied his worn-out sneakers. They were the same ones that he wore when he walked with y/n. The same ones that he wore when they played in the rain. The same ones. God, he missed her so much.

"Bye, mom," he muttered quietly, just loud enough for her to hear. He pulled the door open and stepped out into the warm windy air. 

It brushed against his pale skin, sending a few shivers down his spine. He tightened his grip around his backpack straps as he walked down the sidewalk. 

His steps paced slowly, one after another. He was in no hurry to get to school, no hurry to get home either. All he could think about was y/n. 

Kenma made his way into the deeply forested trail where y/n was supposed to meet him every morning. He sat himself down on the bench, in y/n's favorite spot. 

Minutes had passed by, and there was no sign of her. Every thirty seconds, Kenma pulled out his phone and checked the time. He was starting to become anxious. If either of them were ever late to the bench, it was always Kenma. But there wasn't a mark of y/n insight. 

He sighed and continued walking along the trail. He was worried, but his brain tried to focus on other things. Maybe her mother took her to school today, after all. 

*time skip*

Kenma had made it to school, still no sight of y/n. He stepped through the large school doors, approaching the huge crowd of students overflowing the hallways.

He never really noticed how many people there were since he was always with y/n. She was the only one that mattered to him anyway. 

"Hey, Kenma!" he jumped, hearing a loud booming voice behind him. A hand laid upon his shoulder, making him flinch. 

"K-Kuroo..." he mumbled. 

"Yeah, where's y/n? You always walk with her."

"I'm not sure," Kenma's voice trailed off. Kuroo hadn't seen her either. Something was definitely wrong. She would've texted if she was sick. 

"Ah, alright I'm gonna go to class now. Bye, Kenma!" Kuroo laughed, trailing off into the flooded crowds. 

Kenma gulped before heading to class himself. He hated being the center of so many people. The hundreds of voices echoed around his head, making him slightly nauseous. Just the thought of people, in general, made his head hurt. 

He placed his backpack in his locker before going straight to his first class. Now, he waited impatiently for the day to be over. He wanted to go knock on y/n's door right after volleyball practice. He wanted to see her beautiful face once more. 

The day went by painfully slow. Kenma couldn't focus at all. He knew that while he sat and listened to the monotone voices of teachers, y/n was somewhere in the world, without him. 

The bell rang, frightening Kenma once again. He stepped out into the crowded hallways once more. It was time for lunch. What was he supposed to do at lunch?

He kept a steady walking pace as he drifted over to the cafeteria. He placed his lunchbox on y/n's favorite table and sat down in her seat. 

Usually, Kenma would look forward to so many moments where he could be alone. But now, he dreaded it. It was a strange feeling. 

And now, he regretted the past 16 years of his life, where he missed out on so many memories just because he wanted to be alone. But this. This was what alone actually felt like. 

All alone. 

i'll love you always - k. kozumeWhere stories live. Discover now