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The wind brushed against my pale face. 10000 feet up. My long hair flowed behind me, brushes of wind circling through it. I looked down to see a large city, filled with people. People who couldn't make a difference. I was so small in this giant world, no reason to live. I wasn't able to solve my own tiny problems, let alone worldwide problems. 

I pushed myself to my feet. Towering over this giant world felt good. It felt right. I felt free. Shivers ran up my spine as the wind continued to flow through my clothes. Right then, I stepped up to the edge of the cliff. I looked down to see what seemed like miles of space below me. 

Just as my intuition kicked in, I lifted my foot off the ground. It stepped forward, floating over the city view. I took a step backward and turned myself around. The wind was flowing from behind now, brushing my hair against my face. I leaned backward, my feet only about an inch away from the edge. 

As my body weight shifted, my feet lost grip of the large mountain. Now, I was falling. No worries in my life. No life to worry about. Just falling. I'd been waiting for years, just for this moment. The world rotated so perfectly around me. Everything was finally perfect. I floated effortlessly through the air, as everything around me slowed down. This was the peace that I had searched for my whole life. Free falling. 

Y/n jumped back into reality. She was disappointed as she looked around her classroom. No mountain. No wind. Just reality. 

"Y/n!" someone shouted from the front of the room. Y/n sighed as she stood up from her desk. She walked to the front of the classroom slowly. Eyes glared at her from all around, but she ignored it. Her fingers curled around a small piece of chalk. She lifted her hand and started scratching a large "4" onto the chalkboard. 

"Correct," a deep voice scolded. Y/n sighed once more and walked slowly back to her desk. She dreaded school, especially arithmetic. She had no motivation to participate in classes, only when she was required to. At this point, school wasn't about learning, just passing. 

As y/n slowly walked back to her desk, she looked up at the time, hoping that she would be able to go home soon. She really didn't want to go home, but she didn't want to be here either.

Y/n sat back against her desk chair as she crossed her legs. She leaned her head onto arms, curled up on the desktop. She tried to zone out once again, but her mind wouldn't take her back to the vision of the mountain. 

Quickly after, the bell rang, making y/n jump out of her seat. Y/n rushed out of the classroom door and started heading to her locker. She slowly turned the dials and pulled her locker door open. Swinging her backpack over her shoulder and grabbing a book in the other hand, y/n slammed the locker door shut and headed down the hallway.

She looked down at her consistent footsteps, matching the beat of the several noises around her. Y/n didn't have many friends at school, mostly because she ignored everyone ninety percent of the time. She did have two childhood friends that her mom made for her. 

Kuroo and Kenma were their names. They played on the volleyball team for Nekoma, and that's almost all y/n knew about them. Kuroo was outgoing and didn't seem to interact with her much while Kenma didn't talk to anyone other than Kuroo. Sometimes, y/n really wondered what went on inside his brain. 

i'll love you always - k. kozumeWhere stories live. Discover now