apple slices

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"Y/n? Are you okay in there?" Y/n's mother knocked at the bathroom door. No answer. The shower was still running, but y/n didn't make as sound.

"Y/n!" her mother's voice started to stress. She reached for the door handle, which just happened to be unlocked. 

"Y/n! What happened?" she pulled open the door and reached for the shower curtain. Still no answer. She pulled the curtain to the side, revealing y/n, who was crouched in a little ball on the bathtub floor. Hot water poured down her back and steamed into the air. 

"Sweetheart?" her mother turned the shower off, obviously concerned about the water bill. Y/n didn't answer, and her mother really didn't know what to do. She slowly walked out of the bathroom, hoping that y/n was alive.

Tears were streaming down y/n's face, but she didn't know why. She wasn't sad for any reason, just a burst of sadness was forced into her body. She tried to figure out what caused this, but the hole in the bottom of her heart was overflowing her mind. 

Her hand reached down towards the shower floor, pushing herself upwards. She stood on her feet, still nauseous. Her hand silked through her hair as she closed her eyes. 

One foot took a large step out of the shower. Then the other followed. 

Her hand grabbed onto the bathroom counter as her vision blurred. Tears continued burning through her eyes. Something was wrong, she could sense it. 

*time skip*

Y/n closed her locker door shut, calmer than usual. Her thoughts were stuck on last night. What was that? Her head still hurt like crazy, but she ignored it in hopes that she could focus. 

She walked slowly to lunch, her eyes pointed down at her shoes. Her steps were slow but rhythmic.  

As she made her way into the cafeteria, she eyed her favorite table at the back of the room. She headed towards the table, sitting her lunchbox down at its surface. She took a seat as she opened her lunchbox. After taking a large bite into a sandwich, she noticed a pudding-haired boy sit down next to her. His lunch tray was placed next to her lunchbox.

"Hi, Kenma," y/n said without looking up at him.

"Hi," he muttered. She felt an unemotional aura leave his body, similar to the one she felt last night. She wasn't sure if he was sad or if that's just his normal quietness. 

They continued eating lunch in silence, both focusing intensely on their food. Y/n's eyes paced back and forth between her food and Kenma. She noticed his every action, how he picked up his apple slices, and took small bites out of them. 

His arm lifted slowly and scratched the side of his head. Y/n continued watching his motions, and she noticed his oversized hoodie sleeve slid down his arm as he itched his ear. His wrist was revealed slightly, and she spotted deep scars and scratched splattered down his upper arm. Her eyes widened, and Kenma obviously noticed. 

He quickly pulled down his sleeves and went back to eating. 

"Kenma?" y/n was worried, and Kenma started to shake slightly as his face went blank. His eyes shifted over to y/n's as she grabbed his hands. She lifted his sleeve in between her fingers, pulling it up to his elbow. He flinched and grabbed his hoodie sleeve, pulling it back down. She let go of his hands, trying to respect his privacy as she grabbed the remains of her sandwich. 

She nibbled another bite out of her sandwich. Kenma sighed and picked up an apple slice. The two of them sat in silence as they continued eating. 

"Does Kuroo know?" y/n muttered under her breath. Kenma hesitated.

"," he sighed softly. 

Her lips curved slightly in relief. Millions of things were filtering through her mind. She felt bad for Kenma, and she wanted answers but she didn't want to ask. Kenma finished his lunch and stood up, throwing his tray in the trash can behind the two of them. Y/n did the same with her ziplock bag.

She waved goodbye to Kenma as she walked out of the cafeteria looking back down at the ground. She lifted her hands in front of her. Her fingers were shaking slightly, and they felt colder than ice. Y/n took a deep breath, her voice trembling quietly. 

i'll love you always - k. kozumeWhere stories live. Discover now