I didn't know she wanted to be a nurse... well, I guess I haven't been around her lately. Stupid dad.

I looked over at Shoto and it looked like he was going to say something before Mitsuki raised her voice at whoever she was speaking to.

"She's coming home with me you dick wad. Hey! I know what I'm doing, the doctor said so, if he didn't I wouldn't be taking her home with me now would I? No, I've known her since she was 2. Oh fuck off, of course she knows where I live, we're neighbors. Okay, sounds like a deal. If she's fine by the time the internships end- shut up I'm speaking- Oh bite my ass. Bye!"

I saw Izuku and Shoto share a look before looking back at Mitsuki. I sat there smiling while Auntie came back up to me and ruffled my hair before sitting down at the end of my bed again. The three boys were just looking at her with shocked and confused faces, though Izuku's looked a little less shocked due to knowing Mitsuki in the first place. But Shoto and Tenya's faces were priceless, too much for this world, I swear. It was a little bit of Mitsuki viciously typing away at her phone and me just sitting there waiting for the boys to say something about her conversation for a few minutes. Since I already had a pretty good idea of who she was speaking to.

"So, uh... Who were you speaking to?" Shoto quietly asked while looking at Auntie with a little bit of hesitance in his eyes.

"One sec." Auntie mumbled while holding a single finger up and finishing her text message. Once it was sent she looked up at Shoto with a small smile.

"I just got permission from your father to take Eimi back home with me." Mitsuki said, which shocked the boys, especially Shoto.

"Are you sure that was permission? It didn't sound like it ended very well." Tenya spoke up, and I could tell he wanted to do his signature hand gestures but stopped himself for his arms sake.

"Oh he'll live, I won't take crap from him." Mitsuki said with grace and confidence. Tenya nodded a little bit, still probably concern for what could happen, but I smiled reassuringly at him before speaking up.

"I promise everything will be fine Tenya, there's nothing that Auntie can't do, and if someone pisses her off she'll kick their ass."

"Damn right I will! Stupid people deserve to be kicked in the ass, sometimes more than that." Auntie smugly said and ruffled my hair, kinda as in saying thanks. I looked at Shoto to see him staring off into nowhere with a blank face and I nudged Mitsuki to help me up a bit. She complied and then I waddled to Shoto's bed. I felt everyone's eyes on me, but it wasn't a bad feeling, it shows that they care.

I waved my hand in front of his eyes but he didn't respond. I rolled my eyes and called his name, still no response.

"He must really be in his head right now, damn." I heard Mitsuki quietly huff in amusement. I silently giggled at her comment before I grabbed Shoto's head and gave it a small kiss. He slightly shook his head and then looked up at me.

"Eimi?" He questioned and I smiled.

"Yep! It's me. Now what's the problem? You okay?" I asked, concerned for my twin.

"I just can't believe what Bakugo's mom said to him." He stated and I stifled a laugh before rubbing my hand through his hair.

"Well, you'll get used to it. That's just how Auntie is."

Shoto nodded and I went back to my bed where Mitsuki helped me get comfy. It wasn't too long before Mitsuki had to head back to work, but she said she would be back after to pick me up later. We all said goodbye as she left and then all turned to each other.

Izuku's POV

We all watched as Auntie Mitsuki left and Todoroki sighed. We all looked over to him as he put his hand over his face.

Shoto's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now