Training and Vigilante

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Izuku's POV

      "Yesterday was the day i found out about my quirk and today is the day i will train with All for one"  Izuku said.In the morning he went to the beach waiting for All for one.All for one came and they trained Izuku's frail,weak,small body and his new quirk.For his body he cleaned the beach while training his body and for his quirk he is trying to steal some quirks from All for one.

3 days later

     Izuku was in the middle of training until  Toshinori and Izumi came. 'Just my luck' Izuku thought.' Izuku saw them and warned All for one immediately and he used an invisiblity quirk.Izumi came to Izuku and told him to leave because she wants to train here. Izuku denied and told her to find another place then continued training.She was mad at this but cant use her quirk on him because Toshinori was here too.Toshinori and Izumi then went to find another place to train in.All for one undid his quirk and became visible again

1 month later

    Izuku was able to perfectly steal quirks but still hasnt mastered giving quirks.Izuku became more athletic and his body is a little buff.

3 months later

     Izuku has mastered All for one and is planning to be a vigilante and he is now buff. Training with All for one is complete. The next seven month izuku is going to be a vigilante and stealing thugs quirks.

     Before he went he asked All for ones number so he can chat or call him when he needed to.After they exchanged numbers he went back home and waited till midnight.Why because 1.He can hide easier and faster 2.Because a lot of crimes usually happen at midnight.

Time Skip

     It was midnight and when everyone was asleep at midnight he jumped out of the window.He used a jacket and used shadow manipulation as his mask.When he was patrolling he saw 3 thugs trying to attack someone.

     He teleported there immediately then used a strength multiplier quirk on the thugs and stole their quirks.He got elemental manipulation,Hyper regen,and shock nullification.


     He then said "Such good quirks wasted on thugs." He then saw shoko and said "Hey shoko." Realizing what he said he covered his mouth. Shoka then asked "How do you know my name?" Izuku got super nervous and because he didn't have any excuse he turned off shadow manipulation.

    Shoko was surprised Izuku was the one who helped her and saw how he had a quirk.She had so many questions before she could ask he said "we'll talk about this later. How about we talk in a quiet place ok."She quickly nodded he then teleported but in Shoko's perspective he dissapeared.Shoto then came and saw her sister speechless standing still.He then tapped her shoulder so she would snap out of it but he didn't really think too much of it.

Time Skip To School

     Ever since that day when Izumi wanted to train in the beach the beatings have been 2x worse.But because of his quirks he just pretended like it hurted him but in reality it didn't hurt at all.After school he asked Shoka where they were going to talk,They decided to talk in a forest near their school.When they both arrived she started bombarding him with questions. He then said "Can you please say one question at a time." She blushed lightly because of embarrassment.

     "Whats your quirk?"She asked. Izuku was about to answer until he felt a presence.He had two invisibility quirks and gave her one and he also used one. Once he saw who it was he became mad.He saw Izumi with Bakugo and Shoto trying to find him and Shoko.After a few minutes they gave up.He took back the invisibility quirk.She was very confused at this how did she became invisible but after Izuku touched her she was visible.

     "Ok don't tell anyone about this ok" She nodded "My quirk is called All for one." She then asked "why does it sound familiar to Izumi's quirk?" "I'm gonna tell you about the story of All for one and One for all.But don't tell anyone.

     My quirk All for one is a quirk able to steal and give quirks.A long time ago when quirks first appeared there were two brothers one had a quirk that was strong and could steal other peoples quirk and the other one was quirkless. The brother that had a quirk had manipulated many peoples during that time to do evil acts and he was basically invincible.The quirkless brother was weak but had a strong sense of justice.His brother wanted him to join him but he always refused one day The brother gave him a quirk that could stockpile energy but what he didnt know was that he actually had a quirk he had a quirk to pass down quirks from a person to another person from digesting his dna.

     "Ok that explains the origin but how did you get the quirk?" She asked confusedly. "Oh I'm his son." She wasnt surprised. "Oh ok." She answered. "I thought you'd be more surprised." Izuku said. She said "I also have a bad parent." "But if he's the no.1 villain then how have i never heard about him

     "Simple he worked in the underworld and he was killed but not killed by All might." He said "What do you mean by killed but not killed?" She asked. "His head was smashed by all might but he had lots of regeneration quirks so he survived." She was scared about what he said,she imagined a head getting smashed to pieces.

     He looked at the sky and it was already darkening and said "Its already late we should head back." Remembering its late and her house was a little far away she asked "Do you have any teleportation quirks" Izuku said "Sure you want it."   "Yeah i kinda need to get back ASAP" She said. Izuku transferred his quirk and explained her how to use it after she understood she teleported.

Then he teleported near the house so no one sees him.Then he continued to train his quirks by himself and occasionally call All for one for help with his other quirks.

To be continued

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