Training Camp

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     Everyone was in class waiting for the bus to training camp.But the people who failed were very sad they didn't come.Aizawa being Aizawa said.

Aizawa: "Oh yeah everyone that failed you still get to go to camp but you will have remedial lessons."

     Now everyone was happy especially the ones that failed the final exam.They thought they were going to be left behind.But no Aizawa was a lifesaver.They were going to the bus until they saw Class 1B.They knew what Monoma was going to do.He's literally the manifestation of a sneeze that you can't's so annoying.As they expected he did insult the class.But Kendo came in and karate chopped him.

     The ride to the Training Camp was going smoothly.Then they stopped.It was intentional.Everyone went outside thinking they had arrived.Then the Wild, Wild Pussycats arrived.Izuku was fanboying as usual.He started to mutter facts about them.

Izuku: "Oh my god it's the Wild, wild pussycats.The heroes that specializes in mountain rescues.They are a four people group who made a joint agency.Today this will be their twelf-."

Pixie bob literally attacked him.

Pixie bob: "We're 18 at heart!"

Some people were actually catching on,on what they are doing.They realized the teachers will leave them to actually go through the forest to the training camp by themselves.

Kaminari: "Wait a minute."

He was running to the bus until a wall made out of earth blocked him.Izuku realized this was Pixie bob's quirk Earth Flow.It allows her to manipulate the earth around her.

Aizawa: "You have to get to the training camp all alone."

He was pointing somewhere in the forest.

Aizawa: "You see where I'm pointing you have to get there before evening or you can't get food.Oh yeah Izuku you cannot help them in anyway."

Then Pixie Bob used her quirk to push everyone off to the forest.Izuku used TS to go to the forest without getting dirty because of her quirk.The teachers went to the bus with the child.

Mandalay: "Aizawa why did you say to the Izuku kid not to help them."

Aizawa: "He's the strongest person in class maybe even UA."

Pixie Bob: "He must be pretty strong getting acknowledged by you."

Aizawa: "Yes he is very strong.He could defeat us in a 5v1 fight."

Mandalay: "There's no way he could defeat Tiger or all 5 of us."

Aizawa: "Except he can.He defeated AM without any trouble."

Everyone in the bus was surprised except the kid.

Mandalay: "But he can't defeat us if you used your quirk to erase his."

Aizawa: "Nope he still can he defeated me a lot in fights without quirk.It's almost as if he's trained quirkless for all his life."

Then the power meter that Pixie Bob used to see the activities on what they were doing was rising.

Class 1A and Izuku

     When they were put in the forest.They searched for Izuku.Then they remembered that he cant help them anyways so they walked to the forest.Then an earth beast came out.Everyone was terrified.But Shoko and Izumi were the first to act.She used her Ice to freeze the earth beast and Izumi used OFA 25% to shatter it to pieces.

      Izuku was using 2 superspeed until there was 5 earth beast.Apparently she used her quirk to make more beasts for Izuku.Pixie Bob was watching him after she had the conversation with Aizawa.He used Enhanced Air Cannon to shoot the Earth Beast.One was defeated.Then one was about to hit Izuku.But he used Ultimate Quirk Combination to destroy 2 Earth Beasts.There was one last Earth Beast.He used ice to freeze the Earth Beast and completely shatter it to 10000 pieces with Ultimate Quirk Combination.The Pro's were surprised he could destroy them easily but he defeated AM with no sweat.He continued to run while destroying Earth Beast's that were blocking his path.Then he arrived.He was wondering how his friends are doing right now.

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