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After the check up the doctor assured them that there's nothing wrong with Luna. She's having her first molar! 

"You made us worried Luna" Oikawa said while holding Luna's hands.

"Well at least we know she's okay" Hinata said while carrying the child.

"Want to walk?" She put her down and let her walk with them walking behind her.

"So how are you two?" Oikawa asked out of the blue.

"We're fine. Why?" Hinata said.

"That's not what I mean. I saw Hanako Yui" he said and looked at the two to see their reaction.

"How do know her?" Tsukishima

"Sho chan told me about her" he just said 

That made Tsukishima to look at the ginger. He's curious. Why does she act like that when they saw Hanako?

"Shoyo I think you should tell me something." Tsukishima said hoping that the girl will tell him something.

Hinata gulp before she looked at him.

"Let's talk?"

This made him happy. He always wanted to hear her thoughts even before. But she always choose to just keep it to herself and avoid him instead.

When Oikawa heard this he said he will look after Luna while the two is talking.

They're at the park so they just decided to sit on the bench while watching Oikawa walk behind Luna who is still walking while holding her Lion stuff toy.

Hinata don't know where to start so he just started asking questions.

"You avoided me after that day. The last time I see you, you went home with Hanako."

"Yes, we had a misunderstanding that day."

"I went to your house the next day. But your father said you don't want to see anyone" he said recalling that day.

"I'm sorry. I can't face you that time" Hinata said. She knows it. That day she saw him outside their house but she told her father to tell him that she don't want to meet anyone. The next day she saw him again outside but she told her father to tell him she went out early.

He waited for her. Day after day but she never face him. Until she went back to Tokyo with Kageyama.

Now that she remember this she started to feel bad for him.

"I understand. You probably have a lot of things in your mind. So what happened to your 'misunderstanding' with Hanako"

"I don't know if I should be saying this but she said she likes you and that she's mad at me. She happened to find out what happened between us."

"And? That is why you avoided me?" He asked like he's not happy about it.

"There's that.. but I did it on my own. It was my decision that time. I know I'm such a coward"

Tsukishima let out a deep sigh. Before speaking again.

"I tried to call you after you went to Brazil."

Hinata nod when he mention this.

"I called you back I swear I did. But she answered the call and told me that you're dating for real and that I should stop bothering you—"

"You believed her? Shoyo why can't  you see that you have my whole attention? How can I date her when I have you?" He sound so frustrated. Hinata never seen him like this.


"Shoyo I waited for you to face me after that day. I told you I will give you space if that's what you want but you never came back."

"Is it that easy to ignore me?" He asked her while watching Luna.

"When did you ever looked at me anyway" Tsukishima started walking to Luna and Oikawa while she's watching him walk away.

She never thought that she's giving him a hard time.

His words is bothering her until she got home. Luna is taking her afternoon nap so she went to Kenma's room.

"Kenma?" She saw him in front of his computer eating instant noodles.

"Shoyo? You're back"

"Let's play?" She said and went near him.

Kenma looked at her intently when she asked him to play with her. It's always him who is asking her to play with him not the other way around.

"Something happened?" He asked as he give her the other controller.

"Kenma, how am I as a person? Am I stubborn? Am I selfish?"

"Where did that came from?"

"Nothing. Just answer, how am I as a person?" She asked again

"Let me see.. Yes you're stubborn, but I don't think your selfish. You're a good friend. You're like a game, you're interesting. You work hard—"

He said while Hinata already started playing. That's when she noticed that Kenma's avatar is not moving.

"Kenma you're loosing the game." She said while she's focus at it.

"It's okay.. I realized something lately. I don't mind loosing if that means you will be happy"

Hinata don't know if he's still talking about their game but when she looked at him he's smiling but his eyes looked sad.

"Are you okay Kenma?" She's not used to seeing him like this.

"Very.. now promise me you'll be happy"

"I am happy"

"I don't think so. But you'll be fine"

They played a few times until Luna woke up from her nap so she went back to their room. That's when she remember what Tsukishima told him this morning during their talk.

"Luna, papa is so hard to understand" she said to the child.

Luna looked at her. She know the kid don't understand what she meant  but she stand up and hugged her mother.

"Luna, momma don't know what to do. You think momma did the wrong choice to go back here in Japan? You think we will be happy if we stayed in Brazil with Dada?"

"Papa?" Luna said as if asking how about her papa.

"What am I saying. I'm being so unfair if we stayed in Brazil."

He's right she never even gave him a chance and she never tried to understand him.

When her vision get blurry that is when she realize she's crying.

"Momma is such a bad person sweetie" she whispered.


Haikyuu Spin Off : LunaWhere stories live. Discover now