Adlers VS. MSBY

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"Have you seen the our biggest sponsor?" Maru asked Hinata who is now busy trying to call the secretary of the chairman.

"Not yet I'm trying to call his secretary." She said sign Maru that the other person picked up the call.

The game will soon start and seeing the crowd is fulfilling on their part as the organizers.

After the call Hinata find her way to the bathroom when she saw Kageyama on the hallway. They haven't talk since the day he found out who's the father of her child.

She tried to act normal when their eyes met.

"Kageyama!" She called.

Kageyama just looked at her that made her uncomfortable, she don't know what he's thinking.

"Hinata, about last time.. I.. I didn't mean to act like that. I just didn't expect that coming." He admit

"I know. Well no one expects that, actually. So uhmm.. good luck on your game! You might meet Luna later after the game. She's with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi."

Kageyama nod and started to walk away.

For two weeks Kageyama tried to sort his feelings. He don't know how to name the feelings he felt after he found out that Hinata already has a daughter and much more when he found out who is the father.

Back in high school his intuition says that Tsukishima have a thing for Hinata but because Tsukishima is hard to read he can't confirm it. Plus the fact that he don't really interact much with the girl. He acts like he don't care.

Flashback Year 20XX (1st year HS)

"You dumbass! Receive the damn ball properly!" He shouted after losing his patience for the nth time today

"I told you I'm trying!" Hinata shouted back and mumbled insults for the dark haired guy.

"If you have complaints say it out loud!" He took one of the volleyballs and throw it to her.

Hinata run away from it and hide behind Tsukishima.

"Why are you so mad!" She shouted. His mouth hangs open when he realized that the girl is trying hard not to cry.

Hinata clenched the blondes shirt as if stopping him to get out between them.

"King don't you think thats to harsh? You're making a peasant cry." Tsukishima said.

"It's her fault-" he didn't finish what he's about to say when he saw Tsukishima with dark face.

Aware of the tension between the three Kiyoko who just got back called Hinata to help her and Yachi with the water bottles.

When the three girls is out Tsukishima left without saying anything.


"Not now."

The freckled boy who tried to approach the blonde was left behind.

End of flashback

Kageyama shook his head after he remember that scene.

Just what exactly are you thinking Tsukishima Kei

Akaashi is with Udai Tenma the former Karasuno's little giant to watch the match but he left the guy to buy some onigiri from Onigiri Miya who have a stall and selling Onigiri today.

"I knew you'll be here. That's the last we're sold out." Osamu said and  hand over a bag of Onigiris for Akaashi.


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