Chapter 23 - Balance

Start from the beginning

"Fine," Rebekah conceded, grabbing a second bottle of wine by the foot of her chair. In a swift motion she uncorked it refilling Katherine and her glasses, the liquid sloshing as her hand trembled. "Cheers."

"Cheers." The glasses clinked together.

Rebekah took a sip before placing hers on the floor. Then her eyes cracking black she bit into the pale flesh under her wrist, blood splodging onto her black jeans.

"What are you doing?" Rebekah ignored her, lifting the neck of the wine bottle to her wrist she let the blood dribble in until the wound clotted. Sticking her thumb over the top she shook the bottle then held it out to Katherine.

"Make sure everyone drinks from this."


Rebekah set her jaw banishing the dancing stars from her vision she opened the door to the living room hanging onto the doorframe for a second to keep her balance. Stefan sat in the armchair by the fire staring at Damon and Elena who were huddled by one of the boarded windows. Klaus lounged on the sofa one arm around Caroline the other holding a book, Kol sprawled out beside them his head falling off the back of the sofa arm as he rambled about nonsense. Finn rested one arm on the mantle examining them all, Bonnie, Katherine, and Elijah sat rigidly on the sofa opposite, Bonnie studying her Grimoire, Katherine fiddling with her hair while Elijah turned to greet Rebekah.

All of them were had an empty wine glass near them. Rebekah smiled.

"Don't hang in the doorway Rebekah," Elijah wiped some imaginary dust off his trousers, "It's rather rude."

Rebekah nodded making her way to Stefan, resisting the temptation to reach out and grab the wall for support. Her leg gave out for a second and she pitched forwards, Finn grasping her forearm the only thing stopping her from bashing her head on the mantle.

"Easy Rebekah, watch the rug."

Rebekah offered him a weak smile, pleased she could blame the little slip on the rotting rug. Reaching Stefan, she collapsed into his lap he caught her with a smile pressing a kiss to her forehead and wrapping an arm around her waist. If he noticed anything wrong with her, he didn't say.

"Shame on you Rebekah," Klaus turned a page in his book, "Not able to keep up with Elijah's impeccably high standards."

"Don not start Nik." Rebekah ran a hand through her hair leaning her head against Stefan's shoulder.

"I think it's a bloody good time, say how we really feel before we die."

"In that case Niklaus," Elijah rose to his feet, Finn stepping forwards as well, "I have some choice words for you-"

"See!" Klaus jabbed a finger at him, "What kind of person talks like that! He always must be so overly polite, chivalrous, a gentleman. Well guess what Elijah your little morals aren't going to stop mother from killing you."

"Well at least I won't be known as the man no one ever loved. The man who killed everyone whoever tried to care about him. I'd watch out Caroline he'll kill you too soon enough."

"How dare you?"

"You've had that coming for a long time, Niklaus." Finn stated standing shoulder to shoulder with Elijah, "You cannot blame us for your little tantrums anymore. It is you people cannot stand to be around."

"Says you, I've not seen you smile in over a thousand years." Kol slurred from the sofa, he must be too drunk to stand Rebekah thought.

"That's because Niklaus kept me daggered for nine hundred years of them."

"Oh, here we go again," Klaus threw his book aside and stood up opposite Elijah and Finn, "Always blaming me for everything wrong with your lives. You're the one who betrayed me Finn, that's why I daggered you. That's why I daggered all of you to stop you from leaving me, so I could keep you safe."

"We are not your property." Elijah spat his cool tone replaced with a burning in his eyes, "We didn't just live in fear of father for a thousand years we lived in fear of you too!"

"Enough!" Rebekah pushed herself upright grasping the arm of the chair to keep her balance, "Is this really how you want to spend our last few hours together, squabbling like a bunch of children? We didn't even fight like this when we were children."

"Things have changed since then Bekah," Kol stumbled to stand as well, "We're not kids anymore, we know better not to trust each other now."

"But don't you see how absurd this is, stood here squabbling with each other when it is mother and father who are the enemies. They are the ones who turned us into this, they are the ones who hunted us for a thousand years, they are the ones who drove a stake between us."

"Says the girl who mourned mother for a thousand years, crying herself to sleep, acting out in anyway to get our attention. You can't pretend you hate mother; you loved her the most out of all of us." Kol dropped back onto the sofa glaring at her through half lidded eyes.

"He's right," Klaus stepped forward, "Why should we listen to anything you have to say? You probably let mother use you as a magical vessel falling for another one of her lies about being her daughter again."

"You know what Nik," Rebekah strode towards him, the weakness temporarily leaving her bones, "I'm done. I'm done trying to put this family back together when your all so intent on tearing me down, making me regret every possible decision I have ever made, making me think I am worthless. Every time I think we are on the road to recovery one of you blows your top and I am forced to bring us all back together. Not this time."

Rebekah turned trudging away her head weighing her down like led ballon, she looked down through blurry eyes to notice her nails embedded in her hands blood dribbling onto the floor. She slumped into the wall near the door pushing herself along it to keep going, a hand supported the small of her back the hot breath on her neck belonged to Stefan.

"Rebekah, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He took her by the arm helping to guide her from the room as her knees knocked together.

"What does it matter? We'll all be dead by morning anyway."

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