Chapter 13

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When Freia returned I had decided to give her the silent treatment. But as she walked into my space and started kissing my neck I shoved her away with clear anger.

"You can sleep on the floor or outside tonight. I do not wish to be near you."


"Are you really asking me that right now?" She looked dumbfounded making my rage grow more as I spoke.

"Hunter did not deserve to be punished. It was me who convinced her to go into the woods and practice, it was me who handed her the bow and spear, and it was her who knocked me out of the way when that saber came down from the tree above me. If it where not for Hunter I would be in far worse condition then I would be now!"

"That mutt knows not to handle any of our weapons. She knows not to venture far from the village. Her sent alone would attract any alpha thus attracting an army. She is dangerous."

"She is innocent! Sweet and kind. All she wants is for you to be her sister. She wishes for you to call her sister."

"I can not!"

"If you can not accept her then you can not accept me. I'm leaving."As I tried to make it out of the door she grasped my arm tightly making me glare at her.


Yanking my hand away I make my way outside and start looking for Hunter. I was extremely worried. But as I looked and asked around I could not find her. When I saw Judah I walked up towards him as he was talking to a few of the men.

"Can I talk with you in private?" He arched an eyebrow as he nodded.

Walking a good distance away I ask him.

"Where is Hunter? Is she ok?"

"Hunter is fine. She is healing in a hut not to far away. It's best if you stay clear away from her for a few days."

"I have to see if she's ok."

"I'm sorry. But Freia forbid you to see Hunter."

"Why?! I don't get her! Hunter isn't weak like everyone thinks she is. She is strong and quick at learning. Did you know she learned how to shoot a bow by watching you and Freia? She's smart. So why does Freia make her an outcast?"

He was quiet for a long while until he sighed heavily and sat on the nearest stomp.

"Freia being the first born and the Alpha makes her the leader. She is strong, stronger then anyone else here. But with Hunter being an Omega Freia's spot on her thrown can easily be taken."

"But I thought only Alphas can lead?"

"That's what they want you to think. The Alphas who run around this forest are considered the strongest of beings on this ground. However Freia and our family soon learned that, that wasn't the case. When Hunter was born it was clear that she was smart, she was flexible, strong and could hunt a rabbit a lot quicker then Freia could. Our parents where pleased by this. Or so we thought. With every training Hunter would evolve. Freia was already proclaimed future Alpha of this pack. And when our parents died she became Alpha of this pack. However with every new ruler comes a challenger who is wanting to take everything from them. Land, the pack, everything. Freia Hunter and I where raised here. We did not want to loose our home. It's true that nobody has ever beaten Freia in a fight, but if the time comes where she looses. She will be banished and have everything taken away. Even if she was beaten by family."

"So in order for her to stay home she had to make Hunter look weak? For fear of her taking her throne?" He nodded.

Well it makes a bit of sense.

Still. I hate seeing Hunter being put down like that. I consider Hunter a friend.

"Is there anyway Freia can see that Hunter is no threat to her?"

"Even if Hunter where to vow never to cross her. Freia would still have her doubts."

"I see." This was a lot to process. So everyone thinks that the strongest wolves are considered the Alphas but really the Omegas are the strongest even above the Alphas do you there quick learning and strength. If an Alpha where to loose a challenge they will loose everything and be banished into an unknown land.

I can see why Freia fears that. But she could still treat her sister better.

"Judah. Show me where Hunter is. I wish to speak with her."

"As I said before."

Grabbing him by the ear I force him down to my level making him hiss in pain as I dig my nails deep into his ear.

"Ouch, ouch ouch OK! OK! You win! I will take you to Hunter."

Smirking I let go. Almost immediately he rubs it while grumbling.

"Damn pale one."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Just follow me."

Heh. Even know Judah looks and acts tough he can be a real softy. I just hope that when I see Hunter, she's ok.

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