Chapter 7

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When I awoke I felt a bit sore I was partially clothed. They seemed to be almost the same clothing as the queens. Wanting a bit of fresh air I make my way outside. So that's what sex is like? It- wasn't terrible.

But still. I was confused about all of it.

Looking around I spot the queens brother speaking to a girl in there language she looked a bit uncomfortable as she leaned against the tree making me narrow my eyes. It was obvious on what was going on.

"Hey. It's obvious she is t into you so just let her be." He narrowed his eyes at me as I stood my ground. All of a sudden he laughs throwing me completely off guard. Wasn't he mad at me for interrupting?

"You have fire in you. I like it. And I can see that you have pleased my sister. She was in high spirits this morning and gave everyone a hearty breakfast."

Blushing a bit as the girl from before nervously walked away I spoke finally.

"Speaking of your sister. What is her name? I hate not knowing the person I am to be with name." He arched an eyebrow as he smiled.

"Why don't you ask her yourself? She understands your language she just refuses to learn how to speak it."

"Where might I find her?"

"I believe she's out hunting for lunch at the moment. You slept in quite late."

"I see. Then I guess I'll just look around until she gets back."

He nodded as I walked away. Looking around this place it was pretty crowded and rundown. It's like nobody was taking care of anything. Looking over towards an old women who was desperately trying to fix the roof over her head I quickly made my way over and helped her. She didn't speak my language but she was grateful for my help. She gave me a necklace with a large feather on it In return. Even though I refused her offer she insisted.

This place really was a wreck. I wasn't OCD but I did hate a messy place. And so I begin to fix peoples stalls and huts for them. I didn't really understand why the queen had a decent sized building made of stone and clay. Maybe it was because she was the queen?

I wince a bit as I scraped my hand on a piece of wood that seemed to have broke off. Not knowing what to do I wash it in the nearby lake I was thrown in and continue my work. I could tell I was making a lot of people happy and it kept me from being bored. Still, I could kill for a cheese burger right now.

I was working on a hut when the queen finally showed up dragging what looked to be like a large saber tooth tiger. It's coloring was different then the last one I saw.

When she saw me she grew serious as she walked towards me. Removing my hands from the roof she shook her head and spoke one word.


Does she not like me working? Her brother told me she understood my language.

"Look. I'm not just going to be some house wife for you to fuck whenever you want. You do not own me. I do as I please. And besides look around there's a lot of work that needs to be done. This place is a mess. If a storm comes I can assure you your people will barley survive the night."

She didn't look pleased at my outburst. But she didn't argue with me. As she turned to walk away I stopped her by grabbing her hand while looking away as I blushed.

"What's your name?"

She stared at me for a long time before smiling.


Freia? Kinda sounds like freya. Either way I'm glad I know her name now. She suddenly pointed at me looking at me questionably.

Did she want to know my name?

"My name is Brianna but you can call me Bree. Brianna is a bit much." She nodded her head as she spoke.


"You can call me Bree."

"Brianna." She said with a small smile. Sigh. I guess there's no changing her mind. Much to my surprise though Freia began to help me rebuild her village. Not only that but other people joined in as well. All was goin well until I felt one of the savages grab my ass making me jump in surprise.

Sigh. Even in this time men are nothing but- my thoughts where cut off as I watched in slow motion. without expecting it Freia had pulled out her makeshift dagger and cut the mans hand off making him wail in pain. She jumped on top of him grabbing him by the neck and spoke angrily.


I begin to feel queasy at the sight of blood spurring from where his hand once was. Without realizing what I was doing I shove Freia off of him while tearing off a piece of my clothing to try and help stop the bleeding. If it where to get infected this man would die. Even if he did touch me he didn't deserve this.

"I need water! Alcohol! Anything medical wise!" Nobody moved.

What was wrong with them? This man was hurt?

"Wether the man lives or dies is not up to you. He touched you. And my sister made it very clear to everyone that whoever dares lay a hand on you will be punished and banished from our land."


"Are you really protecting this man who dare lay his hand on you?"

Looking over at Freia who looked betrayed I immediately felt guilty.

"Sorry. I just don't like to see people get hurt."

"It is not your place."

Standing up I make my way by Freia's side and apologize.

"Sorry." Loosing all my motivation I make my way back into Freia's home and lay down once again.

This world I was now in. How am I going to survive in it?

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