Chapter 4

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I awoke to the smell of cooked meat, sitting up in the soft bed I was curled up in I saw the girl from before setting plates of food on a small table. She seemed concentrated in doing so. As my stomach rumbled loudly she looked towards me and smiled.


Covering myself with one of the fur blankets on the bed I sit down in the unsteady chair making me a bit nervous.

Looking at the food now I didn't really recognize anything. But I wasn't picky. Taking a bite of this strange meat I hummed I delight. It tasted good. I could eat this everyday.

However after we where done eating she made an advancement towards me making me stumble backwards in surprise. She didn't get any closer to me. But she did seem annoyed. She left the room once again making me feel a bit more relaxed. Looking around the room I see a few papers sitting on what looked to be like an end table. Unfortunately I couldn't read it.

The bedroom door suddenly opened startling me a bit until I realized it was the girl from before. As she walked towards me she laid what looked to be a large elephant tusk. I wasn't impressed one bit and I think it showed on my face because she stormed out of the room all the while slamming the door behind her. Geez what's her deal?

About an hour later she came back what looked to be some type of strange animal. It seemed to be dead but as she went to give it to me it suddenly jumped on me making me squeal in surprise as I fell backwards onto the bed in shock. The girl quickly grabbed it by its neck and snapped it.

I kinda felt bad for the strange creature. But at least it died quickly.

The girl seemed even more frustrated then before as she once again stormed out. Not minutes later she came back with what looked like a diamond in hand. I was in awe of it as she gave it to me. I have never seen a diamond this big in real life before. And yet as I was admiring it's beauty she once again advanced towards me.

This time I felt frustrated.

"STOP!" I practically scream while throwing the diamond right at her chest.

She growled deeply and walked away.

"Geez what's her deal?"

"She's trying to get your approval to mate with you."

Surprised I look back towards the door only to see yet another large half naked man. He looked pretty similar to the other guy except he had more scaring.


"I was surprised when I found out that my little sister finally chose a mate so I had to come see you for myself."

"How do you know my language? Your sister doesn't seem to speak mine all to well."

"My father was really interested in learning new languages. He taught me most of them. Now that I answered your question it's time for you to answer mine. What land have you come from?"


"What village. Your accent is strange yet familiar but I can't seem to figure you out."

"I'm from a small town called Bradford."

"Is that in the north? Or perhaps the East?"

I gave him a dumbfounded look. Man I really should have paid more attention in my classes.

"I'm unsure. Can you tell me where I'm at?"

"Your in a popular village called RiverRun."

"RiverRun? I've never heard of it." He looked at me with surprise as he studied me more.

"You will let my sister mate with you."

"I'm sorry?"

"Sigh. You will let her bed you. You should feel lucky. Every Viking around here has made tones of offers for my sister to bed them and yet she chose you. I mean I see the appeal your unlike any Viking girl I have seen."

"Wait. Did you just say Viking?" He nodded is head as he hummed.

"C-Could you tell me what year it is?"

"Not really. I never really understood dates and time. My sister could tell you though. She's really smart."

Speaking of his sister. I grew a bit weary as she came in with yet another large animal. But this one appeared to be dead and wolf like. She plopped it in front of me looking exhausted until she seen her brother.

She begin speaking there strange language loudly until he spoke.

She sighed heavily as she looked at me with hope filled eyes.

"Name." She asked questionably.

"She wants to know-"

"I understood. My name is Brianna but most people call me Bree. I actually prefer Bree. And you can tell her that I will never bed her."

He looked nervous as he spoke to her in there language. When he was done her golden brown eyes begin to glow as she yanked me hard out of the bed. She dragged me out of the somewhat large building and into a large ring outside making me fear for my life. It wasn't long before a crowd begin to draw in as she spoke loudly.

"What's happening?" I ask her brother fearfully.

"She's showing your how worthy she is for you. She's showing you how strong she is how she can protect you against anything bad. She will fight multiple men and women who wish to fight her."

"S-She doesn't have to do that."

"She can and she will to prove her worth to you. My sister tends to get what she wants and right now she wants you. She says if she can't have you then the winner of the match can have you. And I can assure you they will not be as kind to you as she was."

As I watched multiple men jump into the makeshift ring I felt afraid. All of them seemed like savages aside from her brother. I didn't want to be with any of them.

I just want to go home.

But if I have to choose out of all of these people who are fighting for me then for my sake I hope the queen wins. I have read lots of Yuri in the past and I'd rather my first time be gentle rather then rough.

But if I'm being honest. I wish Indigo would come and save me from this mess.

The Era Of Old Beginnings जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें