Chapter 19

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By the second day, I was getting worried. They should have been back by now. Freia didn't seemed bother by this but I did. Sneaking out of the house I make my way towards the woods only to be stopped by Hunter.

"Where are you going? Your supposed to be resting. The baby will be here soon."

"I'm worried Hunter. It's been two days sense Revna and Indigo had gone to gather some tomatoes for there cravings."

"There vampires. Not only that but Revna is part wolf. If she has a good sense of smell she will be able to find her way back. And besides nothing is stronger then someone who's immortal. You need to rest."

"I'm sorry. But I can't do that." I continued on walking further into the woods towards the mountain.

Only to have Hunter stop me once again by grabbing my arm.

"Hey! Let me go!"

"I will not let you put our child in harms way!"

I couldn't help but glare at Hunter. She's not my mate. She can't tell me what to do!

"My my isn't this interesting."

Looking over I see a new face. It was a girl who looked slightly older then both Hunter and I. She had the same long blonde hair as mine except her eyes....

Her eyes where a blood red. And her skin was as pale as the snow itself.

"W-Who are you?"

"A demon." Hunter spoke fearfully as she slowly began to back up while pulling me along with her.

"Hey! I told you I'm going to look for Revna and Indigo!"

"Did you just say Indigo?"

Looking back at the women I nodded my head as she laughed.

"I can't believe my underling is still alive. And here I thought she would be dead within a week considering she lived next to a pack of wild mutts. Maybe it's about time I pay her a visit. Better yet..."

The Earth around me moved quickly. Next thing I know I was looking at Hunter. How? Glancing behind me all I could see was this women's blonde hair blowing through the wind as she spoke.

"Let's make this a game. Sort of like Hide and seek. I promise not to harm this girl, however she now belongs to me. But if you find my hiding place I may or may not give her back to you."

"NO! Give her back!"

I hear Hunter scream as the Earth around me begin to move quickly once again.

Don't tell me- Did she just kidnap me?

Authors note
I apologize for the short chapter but I have currently been distracted by Naruto. I know it's no excuse but it is what it is 😅

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