Chapter 8 Leaving Bag End!

Start from the beginning

[Bilbo:] “Wait! Wait!”

"wait for us please!!" I yell

Some dwarves call “Woah!” and stop their ponies. Me and Bilbo catch up to them, bilbo hands Balin the contract.

[Bilbo:] “I signed it!”

Balin takes the contract and inspects it with a pocket-glass. He then smiles at Bilbo.

I then smile as I walk upto gandalf, he smiles back at me "got him up did you Calen" he asked, I nod "yep Mr Gandalf Sir" I say and salute to him.

"can I ride with you please" I asked him using my puppy eyes again,Gandalf looked at my eyes sighed and nodded his head.

I cheer and throw my hand up in the air happy I can ride with gandalf. "yes"

Gandalf let out a laugh at my reaction and picked me up and seated me in front on him on the horse.

With bilbo and the Dwarves...

[Balin:] “Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.”

The dwarves cheer. Thorin doesn’t look too impressed. (nothing can impress Thorin oakenshield).

[Thorin:] “Give him a pony.”

[Bilbo:] “No, no, no, no, that--that won’t be necessary, thank you, but I--I’m sure I can keep up on foot.

I-- I--I’ve done my fair share of walking holidays, you know. I even got as far as Frogmorton once--WAGH!"

"jsut get on Mr Baggins even The little Elfling got on OK and she's on a horse" cried Dwalin.

Bilbo’s speech is cut off as two of the dwarves ride alongside him and pick him up from behind to put him on a pony.

I laughed along with Gandalf at Bilbos Scream of surprise.

Time skip...

Bilbo is riding a pony and looking quite terrified. The pony neighs and tosses its head, making him quite uncomfortable..

I turn around to face gandalf "Bilbo looks a bit uncomfortable, doesn't he Gandalf" I say laughing quietly at Bilbos displeasure.

Gandalf looks back a Bilbo, "he does doesn't he"

[Oin:] “Come on, Nori, pay up. Go on.”

Nori tosses a sack of money to Oin; sacks of money begin passing between the dwarves.

[Oin:] “Hey, hey, hey!”

Some of the dwarves and me laugh

[Bilbo:] “What’s that about?”

[Gandalf:] “Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you’d turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn’t.”

[Bilbo:] “What did you think?”

[Gandalf:] “Hmmm.”

I duck as Gandalf catches a sack of money tossed to him and puts it in his bag.

"watch it!" I call

"sorry Elfling" said the Dwarf who threw it.

Time skip once again...

Third person pov...

The company has camped for the night near the edge of a cliff. As Gloin sleeps, tiny flying insects get sucked into his mouth every time he inhales, and they are expelled when he exhales.

Calen was asleep next to thorin, Blino smiled and tucked her in a bit more so she would stay warm throughout the night.

Bilbo watches in disgust at the Dwarves, then finally gets up and walks around.

Most of the dwarves are asleep; Gandalf, Fili, and Kili are awake.

Bilbo walks over to his pony and gives her an apple, after checking to see that no one is looking.

[Bilbo:] “Hello, girl. That’s a good girl. It’s our little secret, Myrtle; you must tell no one. sh, sh”

Bilbo hears a scream in the night air and becomes worried. He runs over to Fili and Kili.

[Bilbo:] “What was that?”

[Kili:] “Orcs.”

Another scream is heard. Thorin, who was dozing, jerks awake upon hearing the word “Orcs.”

Calen also awakes since she felt when thorin jerked, she yawn big and stretched her arms out.

[Bilbo:] “Orcs?”

Calen freezes "O-Orcs!" she semi-shrieks terrified, I don't want to face those ungly buggers so soon into this world.

Sensesing her fear thorin brings the little elfling towards him and held her close.

[Fili:] “Throat-cutters. There’ll be dozens of them out there. The lowlands are crawling with them.”

[Kili:] “They strike in the wee small hours, when everyone’s asleep. Quick and quiet; no screams, just lots of blood.”

Bilbo looks away in fright; Fili and Kili look at each other and begin laughing.

"its not funny Ki and Fi!!" cried Calen feeling tears in her ocean blue eyes. Thorin glares at this Nephews.

To be continued...

The end!

Hoped you have liked this chapter, so close to chapter 10!


Word count : 1130

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