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{A;N the video I added is a drum cover of slipknots song disasterpiece and I think it amazing!

So it's been a few days and Niamh is a lot better. I went up to the hospital to collect Niamh and chris and also the baby.
"Well hello there my otp and favourite nephew!", I said as I walked into the room
"He's your favourite nephew because he's your only nephew!", Chris laughed
"Shut up chris"
Niamh packed up all her shit and Chris packed all of... What ever the kids name is.
"So have you decided on a name for hi yet?", I asked while picking him up in his car seat and bringing him out.
"Yea, we came up with Kyle! So his name is Kyle cerulli!", Chris was so excited it was weird!
"Awe he has a name now!"

We walked out of the room and discharged Niamh and went to my car.
I strapped Kyle in and got in myself and drove out of the hospital car park.
When we got back we were greeted by all of bvb, miw, claire, ciara, cara, Jenna, blade, lee, jade, Ptv, om&m and many more people.
It was like a baby shower but the baby was already born! Kyle got. Shit ton of presents and band merch.

I was having fun talking to sammi doll, jinxxs girlfriend, when andy came over to me and asked to talk to me. I got up and followed him into the back yard.
"So I got a letter today..", he started "it was about you not being in school"
"What did it say?"
"Ugh, just basically saying that your too young to leave school and that you have to stay until your 18 and if I dot. Start sending you in the next couple of weeks I might go to jail..." Well shit!
"Well as much as I don't want to go to school, I don't want my dad in prison!"
"Yea.. I don't really want to go to prison either!" He chuckled nervously. I gave him a hug and we went back inside. I never realise until now that I never spend time with my boyfriend. Like never. I'm always with Niamh or doing something weird!
So I sat down beside blade and put my head on his shoulder.
"Well hello there girlfriend, I thought you forgot about me.", he chuckled
"I would never forget you. I've just been kinda busy, that's all."
"How about I take you for dinner, some place nice"
I smiled and I got up to go and put something nice one. I chose to wear a dress that was corset like at the front and it was really nice. But first I needed to shower.

{A;N ok so it's short and what not but I'm in English and I'm bored and I want to make more chapters and this was basically a filler. Sowwey 🐢

Adopted By Andy Biersack {A BVB,MIW,PTV,SWS,BMTH,AA Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now