Middle School Grads!

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"And now, third-years," the principle addressed the gathering of students, "it has been a pleasure to have all of you in our school and what a crazy year it has been! Hill's Alliance made it to Nationals this year for the first time in years and in Mixed Martial Arts no less! So, so much has happened in your three years here and we have been so honored to be a part of it and look forward to seeing you all grow and thrive after this. Thank you for being part of Hill's Alliance Middle School."

The whole school bowed. "THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF US!"


"I- I- I don't wanna!!!" Mina wined as she cried, arms wrapped around Zuku and Kiri.

Furuya pats her back. "You three have it easy. You will all be going to UA together." Mina whipped her head around, finally letting go of the boys. "IF WE MAKE IT! The acceptance rate is less than 20% and with my grades I won't even make it past the writing part!" Mori chuckled. "You'll be fine, Mina. That kind of thinking will be your downfall."

"I- Um..." Mina looked over her shoulder at Zuku who was looking down at his feet, making hand gestures that he made when he was trying to say something but was struggling with it. So they gave him time, pleased when he actually started a conversation or jumped into one. "Y- you could, I mean- Y- you could c- come over a- and studae...?" Mina's eyes widened. "L- like, um, w- we all studae t- togetha?" Zuku glanced over to Kiri for confirmation if that was alright or not. Kiri grinned brightly. "Definitely!" he agreed. "My grades aren't looking so hot either." He pat Izuku on the shoulder. "I don't know where I'd be without Izu here helping me!"

"There's an idea," Hino piped. "We each have exams coming up sometime within the next two weeks for our preferred high schools so how about we all try to get together and study for them together?"

Mina wrapped her arms around Hino and Furuya. "Y- you guys are the best!!! I don't wanna say goodbye!!!" "We live in the same town," Mori commented. "There is literally no way that we won't see each other." Mina shook her head. "It's not the saaaaame!"

"W- well..." Zuku looked up determinedly. Well, as determined of a face as he could make. "We 'ave a- all summer s- so l- let's try t- ta make the best o- of it then. M- meet up a- as much as p- possible." Mina grinned and gently punched the timid boy on the shoulder. "Look at you being all optimistic and stuff!" Zuku blushed and averted his eyes back down to the ground.

"I agree," Kiri picked up so his brother could regroup himself. Talking was a joint effort for Zuku still. "Even when school starts for all of us again we could always try to meet up at the park after school. Maybe not every night but at least once a week? After we all get used to our schedules?"

Mori nodded. "For sure, for sure."

Mina grinned. "YES!" She punched the air. "Never apart! Let's make a group chat!" Furuya sighed. "Mina, we already have one." Mina whipped her head to the girl. "Soooo? Let's make another!" Furuya giggled. "Fine, fine."

And they did, Mina naming it the "CHILLZONE."


Izuku waved as their friends all went their separate ways.

He lowered his arm slowly.

What is this feeling? Why does it hurt so much? I am going to see them again. Mori even said it. We live in the same town so... why do I feel so... sad?

"KIRISHIMA!" Both he and his brother whipped around to the school gates. Izuku and Ei were greeted with the greenette's entire Mixed Martial Arts class. One of them turned and pointed to Yamamoto who was leaning on the wall, waiting for Izuku as usual. "And Yamamoto!" A girl stepped forward. "Thank you for being in our class! We will all miss you very much!" She bowed and the rest of the class followed. They all stood up again and she continued. "We won't let you down. We will go to Nationals again next year so if we do... come watch us! Both of you!"

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