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Eijiro swallowed a sigh as he walked behind his friends on their way home after school. They were talking about heroes. He wanted to join in too but...


'Oh! I know that hero!'

Yamamoto looked over his shoulder. 'Oh, that's cool.' He turned back to Ito and kept talking.


He looked up at the blue sky. Today... had been a day. It wasn't particularly a bad day. It was probably just the depression. He got a decent grade on his test, sat with his friends at lunch and let them eat his food, watched them play their video games, watched all of his friends play a game of tag that he was supposedly in but everyone forgot. Eijiro doodled in his sketchbook and thought that it was pretty cool. He looked down at the closed book in his hands. He wanted to show Ito and Yamamoto but they were busy. He didn't want to be a bother... They were mostly just Crimson Riot anyways. His house was the closest. He stopped outside the gate and waved.

"Bye guys." They kept walking, not even noticing that Eijiro had stopped. He lowered his hand slowly. "See you tomorrow..."

Eijiro hung his head and took a deep breath. He plastered a smile on his face, one that hopefully reached his eyes, and looked up.




He nodded. "That's fine!" He typed in the passcode hearing the gate latch open. Eijiro pushed it open, letting it swing close and lock on its own as he walked down the brick pathway to his house. He opened his door.

"I'm hom-" *BANG* Eijiro raised an eyebrow. "Mom?" He looked up. The entryway opens up to the living room. Mom and Dad were sitting on the brown couch at the right with papers in their hands. In a chair brought in from the kitchen was a man with long, scraggly black hair. In the recliner closest to him on the right was the woman he recognized as Mary Lou and the one farthest was the boy they might be adopting, Izuku with a purple-haired boy leaning against the recliner. Izuku was frozen over the small table to the left of the recliner and a cup was on the floor next to it, the boy frozen as if he had been holding something over the table.


"Welcome home, Ei," his father waved. Eijiro turned to him. "Er... yeah!" Mom stood up and slowly crossed to where Izuku was bending down to drop the cup he had dropped. "It's alright dear, let me get that." Izuku's hand hovered over the cup but he snapped it back when Mom reached down. She smiled at him and took it to the kitchen.

"So what's happening?" he asked, crossing the living room and sitting next to his father on the couch, dropping his bag by his feet. He waved at Izuku who was sitting down again. The purple-haired boy handed the greenette a phone and whatever was on it seemed to release some of the tension in the scared boy's shoulders.

"We are going over the adoption papers and some of the terms and conditions of taking in Izuku concerning his... mental health," his father replied. Eijiro smiled brightly. "So we are adopting him?!" The boy in question flinched slightly.

Dad nodded and grinned. "Yup." Eijirio turned to look at the greenette. His smile faltered when he saw the distraught look in the boy's eyes, despite the fact that his face apparently never changed. He grinned harder.

"Glad to have ya!"

Izuku glanced over at him. He gave Eijiro a small nod, which Eijiro counted as a win, before turning back to the phone in his lap.

Mary Lou smiled. "Hello, Kirishima." He smiled back. "Hello, Ms. Takakawa."

The black-haired man nodded. "We haven't met, but I am Aizawa Shouta, also known as Pro Hero Eraserhead." Eijiro scratched the back of his head. "S- sorry but I don't think that I've heard of you." He shrugged. "I'm an underground hero so I'll take that as a compliment. Now," his attention was redirected to Eijiro's parents as Mom reentered the room and sat next to Eijrio,

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