Izuku Kirishima

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Yuma did not know what on God's green earth to do. Apparently, neither did Asa.

Izuku did. He looked up at them and those eyes - those EYES - were not the eyes of the little boy she knew. They did not belong to a twelve-year-old child.


That VOICE was not the voice of a twelve-year-old child. It was cold, calculated. Like he had done this before. Often. Asa fumbled a bit with his pocket before drawing out his phone. He slowly crept forward and held out his phone at a distance. Izuku leaned forward.

Eijiro flinched as the man's head was pushed forward with the gun as Izuku still did not remove it from the back of the criminal's head. He, with much ease and practice, hacked into Asa's phone and called the police.

"Yo. Long time, no call."


"Ha ha I know, I know. I'm not vigilanting this time though."


"Ey ey ey! Detective! Calm ya-self! I 'aven't even told ya wwhhaut happened."


"Yer. Simple bag thief. I only attacked 'cause he attacked me familae."


"Soft Blossom Bakery."


Izuku looked up at them. "Ya mind if we wait?" He was talking without stuttering and looked completely calm and cool and everything in this situation screamed NOT RIGHT at Yuma because Izuku should not be pointing a gun at someone's head, he should not be saying that he is vigilanting again, he should not be talking so casually when he usually does not speak at all, and where is the stutter when he does, and why is this so WRONG?!

They ended up waiting. It was about thirty minutes of tense silence. Marco was watching over the situation but he didn't try to take the gun away or to diffuse the situation. Those that had stopped went on their merry way and nobody else on the streets stopped at the sight of a boy holding a gun to someone's head. These people are used to it.

Police sirens faded in from a distance until the police vehicle pulled up. Two police rushed out and a man with a plain face and tan trench coat came out.

Izuku finally, FINALLY, put down the gun, handing it to the trench-coated man. Izuku stood while the police put the thief in handcuffs and took him to the police car.

Asa finally got the nerve to speak up as the trench-coated man was about to speak.

"Alrighty, I've got to know what is going on."

Izuku and the man turned to him.

"I just watched my son take down a man twice his size and almost shoot him and speak, which he does not do, and forgive me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure Izuku said something about vigilanting." Asa gestured between the two people. "You two obviously seem to know each other so mind telling me what's happening here?"

The older man glanced down at Izuku. "Do they not know...?"

"NoPe!" Izuku popped the 'p'. It was so weird to hear him like this.

The man sighed and extended his hand to Asa. "Hello, I am Detective Tsukauchi. I've been in charge of the Golden Whip case for a while."

Asa raised an eyebrow. "What does Golden Whip have to do with any of this?" Asa was pissed.

The man chuckled. "Here's the thing, your new charge, is, how do I put this...?"

Asa narrowed his eyes. "You are not about to tell me that Izuku is Golden Whip."

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