Starting A New Life

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*knock knock knock*

Eijiro groaned. He rolled over in bed and unwillingly poked his head out from under the covers. He peeled his eyes open. He was greeted with the sight of his new roommate in the same exact position as last night but instead, his face was facing the door.

Eijiro didn't dwell on it because: Surely he slept some at least, right?

Instead, Eijiro followed his gaze to see Mom at the door.

"Morning, sleepyheads!" she sing-song'd.

Eijiro narrowed his eyes and threw the blankets back over his head. "Uh-Uh-Uh!" He heard her footsteps and she pulled the covers off of him. "Moooooooooom!" She smiled. "Wakey-wakey or you get no eggs and no bakey!" Eijiro sighed and sat up as she left. He looked over at Izuku who had gotten up already and was making his bed. Eijiro slid out of bed. He doesn't usually make his bed but he felt kind of awkward not doing it if Izuku was so he did.

"Did ya sleep well?" Eijiro asked. Izuku poked his head out from behind his dresser door as he was currently choosing clothes for the day.

Izuku stared at Eijiro for a second before nodding and going back to his clothing.

Eijiro wanted to believe the boy but he wasn't sure if the boy had even slept. But Izuku wouldn't lie to him, would he? Eijiro opened his own dresser. People always said that he was too trusting which is kind of ironic considering his new roommate is the most untrusting person on this earth. "Ah-" *SLAM* Eijiro winced as Izuku was midway through closing his dresser door when Eijiro spoke up and it probably triggered that. "Y- you can take the bathroom first," Eijiro offered. "I will dress in here." Izuku looked at him and nodded. The boy left the room with his clothes.

It was strange, being the only one talking and talking to basically a wall since the other boy's expression never changed but Eijiro was sure that he'd get used to it.

He got dressed in shorts and a t-shirt before leaving. He could smell the literal bacon and eggs as he entered the kitchen. He sat in his usual seat. "Good Mornin - YAAAAWWNNNN - g."

Dad chuckled. "Good morning, Ei. Did you sleep well?" Ei nodded. "Yeah." Izuku, who was coming in, stopped at the entrance into the dining room. Eijiro watched as green eyes traveled over the room, lingering on each specific person. Checking for safety, perhaps? Eijiro grinned and patted the empty seat next to him. "Come on, man!" It took a second but eventually, Izuku did sit by him. Eijiro did not notice how when the boy pulled out the chair, he discretely scooted it over a bit further from him.

"Good morning, Izuku," Mom hummed as she came over and gave them each a serving of bacon and eggs, leaving the extras in the middle for whoever wanted seconds.

Izuku nodded at her, apparently his way of 'greeting' others.

As they ate, Eijiro couldn't help but notice that Izuku had hardly touched his plate. Eijiro would take a bite of bacon and glance over at Izuku's plate to see all of the bacon still intact. He would be halfway through his eggs. Izuku had finally taken a bite of bacon. Eijiro went for his last piece of bacon, Izuku had only eaten one piece and a couple of bites of eggs. Eijiro finished his plate. Izuku had not eaten any more than that.

He also didn't eat much yesterday. A bit worrying but Eijiro was sure it would be fine. He's just a bit shy, right?

When Eijiro was asked yesterday what he wanted to do today he opted for staying home for Izuku's sake. His parents told him that they would be going out tomorrow and another couple of times during their last week of Spring Break so Izuku could get somewhat used to being in public. Eijiro took Izuku outside. "So, tomorrow we are getting you signed up for school," he mused as he dug through the box of balls. No soccer balls, Izuku still couldn't wear shoes. "Have you thought of the extracurricular classes you want to take?" He sat up, pulling out a baseball and two baseball mitts. Izuku raised an eyebrow.

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