A Mental Off Day

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What are you doing?

W- wait a minute...



I don't want to do this!


It hurts!

It feels weird!






Izuku bolted upright in bed, panting. He grabbed at his arms, doubling over to fold in on himself as he dry heaved. He could feel phantom hands running all up and down his body in ways he never wanted them to. Phantom pains in places he was violated. Moans and grunts from his captor mixed with his own screams and pleas bouncing around in his head. He wanted to throw up. Tears leaked from the eyes he had screwed closed.

There was a sudden weight on the bed next to him. Izuku's heart beat in his throat. Please. Please. Please.


A familiar voice.

"Hey, bud, can you hear me?"

Kind. Gentle. So different from the ones in Izuku's head.

"I need you to breathe with me, okay?"

Helpful. Someone coming to save him.

"Take a deep breath with me now, okay? In..."

Someone safe.

"And out... In... And out..."

Something to cling to. A voice to drown out the others.

"And in... And out... And in... And out..."

Izuku's mind began to clear as his breathing evened out. The voice he soon recognized as his father's voice. Izuku sucked in a shaky breath before sitting up again. He felt so tired. "How are you feeling, bud?" Izuku turned to look at his father slowly. "T- tired..." he hummed. His eyes felt so heavy and his body heavy. Dad nodded. "Yeah, I know. You only slept for about an hour. Go back to sleep, okay? I just called your teacher to tell him that you and Ei wouldn't be coming in today." Izuku's eyes widened. "B- but I-"

"Izuku," Dad cut him off, "you aren't going to school today. Not after last night." Izuku's ears buzzed. Last night... I ran away. I wasn't supposed to come back. But they sounded so convincing. And they... saved me from... Izuku felt sick again.

"None of us are going in," Dad continued. "Me and your mother called in sick." Izuku nodded numbly. Dad looked tired too. Of course. Why wouldn't he be? Izuku's screw up led him to stay up the whole night as well. "You look tired," Dad said softly. "Lay back down, okay?" Izuku glanced up at him. "W- will y- y- you be 'ere t- too?" he asked. "Do you want me to be?" Izuku bit his lip. I don't want to be touched but... he's my father and... "I- I don' w- wanna b- b- be alone..." Dad hummed. "Then I'll stay with you." Izuku nodded slightly. Dad got back into bed. Izuku laid his head back down, watching Dad do the same.

A few moments later, Izuku was glad that his father was laying on his side so he couldn't see the tears streaming down the greenette's face. The boy reached forward tentatively and lightly grabbed the back of Dad's shirt. He pressed his forehead against the back of the man.

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