End of Summer 'Break'

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"Are they okay?!"

"That sounded bad!"

"Like one had fallen into the depths of despair."

Eijiro sweatdropped, hands up as most of Class 1-A surrounded him in the commons at three in the morning. Most meaning everyone excluding Izuku and Hitoshi. Shouta was upstairs calming the two right now.

"Stop crowding him!" Momo called above everyone. The group looked at her and quieted down before turning back to Eijiro expectantly. The redhead nodded. "Thanks, Momo," calling her by her first name was new, so was doing it with everyone else, excluding Bakugou, who went on the excursion to get back Izuku and Hitoshi. "Don't worry, guys, they are fine. They just don't know that." Tokoyami tilted his head. "What do you mean by that?" Eijiro chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "That whole 'screaming at night' thing is basically that."

"That was not just a scream!" Hagakure exclaimed. "I thought someone died!" That might not be too far from what at least Izuku thinks is the truth... Eijiro and Mina exchanged a glance. "I know," Eijiro said. "I'm very sorry for this waking you, everyone. He used to be a lot better before the whole kidnapping happened. I am sure once he gets used to living here it will go down."

There was a sudden cry from above them making everyone flinch aside from Eijiro and Mina.

"How much is 'go down'?" Momo asked carefully. Eijiro tapped his chin thoughtfully. "For Izu? Only once or twice a month. I am not sure about Hitoshi since I haven't actually lived with him before." Everyone paled. "Does it affect them that badly, ribbit?" Tsu asked.

"I don't think you know the full story," Shoto suddenly spoke up, probably a bit more cold than he needed to.

Eijiro averted his eyes to the ground. "There is... a lot that was not covered in the brief explanation Izuku gave you all. Some things have lingered longer than others." He bowed. "I know that it scared a lot of you and probably triggered some trauma of your own. I am very sorry."

Denki patted him on the shoulder. "Dude, don't." Eijiro glanced up. "Sure, like, it sucks we all woke up and all but-"

"We are more glad that they are okay than we are mad that we are awake!" Uraraka spoke up. There was a collective round of nods. "I don't think any of us have the right to blame them," she said. "Not unless we know what truly happened to them from their points of view." Eijiro stood straight, relief evident on his face. Mina slung her arm around his shoulder. "Don't look so relieved, Kiri! What, did you think we would hate you or Zuku or Shin because they have nightmares?!" Jiro nodded. "That'd be pretty sucky of us."

All heads turned to the sound of footsteps. Multiple. Everyone was silent as Shouta exited the stairwell and entered the commons, Izuku and Hitoshi following closely behind looking worse for wear. Eijiro grinned over at the two teenage boys, giving a small wave.

"Izuku and Hitoshi would like to say something," Shouta stated as they came to a stop. "AH!" Hanta pointed at them. "Don't let them apologize!" The three stared at him. "YEAH!" Yoarashi yelled, everyone flinched. Uraraka slapped the boy's arm but he just laughed and continued. "We're just glad our buddies are okay!" "It is good to see you alive," Tokoyami commented, making everyone sweatdrop. Luckily that was just the kind of humor Izuku and Hitoshi had as they both let out a huff. "Alright!" Mina punched the air. "No apologies! No sadness! And no sleep!" Everyone looked at her. "No sleep?" Momo questioned. "I hardly think that is a good idea-" "It's summer break," Mina rolled her eyes. "We have a whole week left! Let us enjoy it to the fullest! As our first night here together, whether we are screaming out of fear or joy, let's spend it together!"

And thus they began to make plans on how to spend the night.

Eijiro watched Shouta pat Izuku and Hitoshi on their shoulders, give them each a small hair ruffle, and disappear back upstairs. Hanta and Denki also noticed. They bounded up to the two boys. "You two, too!" Denki held out his hands. Eijiro watched as viridian and indigo eyes scanned over the crowd of students skeptically. When they only received smiles and expectant gazes, they relaxed a bit and let Denki and Hanta pull them into the gathering.

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