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"Okay Jack, act natural, everything's fine," Jack desperately told himself. Apparently what he had thought was a whisper had been a little louder than that, given the speed that Cal and Ruth whipped around to face him. 

"Jack Dawson. What a... pleasure  to see you again," Cal sneered, once he got past the initial shock of seeing a man that he thought was dead, but who was actually alive and well.

"Ruth, Cal," Jack acknowledged, not saying anything else.

"My my Jack, I must say, I thought you were dead," Ruth remarked. 

"Well, I thought so too, but you know us 3rd class vermin have excellent survival skills," Jack responded, his cold tone not matching the smile across his face.

"Well, you continue to prove that time and time again," Cal chuckled heartlessly. 

"Anyways, do you have any idea where Rose might be?" Ruth asked in a polite voice, but Jack knew better than to fall for it. He knew Rose didn't care about her daughter, she was only focused on staying on top of the harsh economy.

"Yes, I DO know where she is, and if you think I'm going to tell you, well that's the biggest load of horse shit I've ever seen in my life!" Jack whispered, tone matter-of-fact. He had always been pretty good at keeping his cool in stressful situations. 

"I expected as such... how about the diamond?perhaps some money might allow some information to turn-" Cal was in the middle of offering a deal that Jack would have never taken when he and Ruth were called up to buy their train tickets.

"Well, we'll finish negotiating after we buy our tickets," Ruth said, hooking her arm with Cal's and leading them forward.

Jack rolled his eyes behind them and made a plan. He would go up, write down his destination on paper so he could buy tickets without Cal and Ruth hearing, and then make a run for it. He knew these streets and would easily be able to navigate them, and lose Cal and Ruth. 

When it was his turn, he did exactly that, writing down his destination and the number of tickets, then placing the money down, all the while giving a daring glance towards the evil two a few feet away from him. 

When the tickets were handed to him, he safely tucked them in his pocket. 

"Okay, so what do you propose?" Jack asked. He was obviously not going to take the deal but he was very interested.

"You tell me where Rose is, and I won't kill you. You tell me where the diamond is, and I'll give you some money, and I won't kill you," Cal stated coldly.

"Wow, a fiance so horrible that a diamond is worth more to them than their own fiance. I'm so glad Rose is now in a loving family, with people that will take care of her. A real man. And a soon to be son or daughter. That's right, I'm going to be a father to Rose's child, and we are all going to forget about you and live a happy life together. So you pieces of shit can go to hell and rot in it!" Jack exclaimed, finally losing his cool.

Ruth and Cal stood speechless, so Jack took the time to spit at their feet and call "See you never!" before taking off. He took twists and turns to avoid them, and once he got back to Rose, they were nowhere in sight and he knew he'd lost them. 

At this point, Rose was awake, and Jack ran over to her as fast as he could. He grabbed her face in her hands and kissed her hard, pressing their lips together multiple times, before gently rubbing her stomach where there was a subtle baby bump.

"Jack? Where did you go? Are you alright?" Rose worried.

"I'm fantastic, Rose! Cause guess what? We're going to Santa Monica, baby! We're gonna do all those things I told you, like riding roller coasters, and spitting, and riding horses, and catching lobsters with our bare hands!" Jack flourished the tickets happily. In his excitement, he didn't stop to look at Rose's reaction.

But he didn't need to worry, because when he met her eyes, all he could see was a look of utter joy and adoration and happy disbelief. 

"I love you, Jack Dawson," she said, a smile spreading across her face. 

"I love you too, Rose Dewitt Bukater."


Jack and Rose stood on the platform right before the entrance to the train car. They stared up at the huge vehicle which would take them to their new life. 

It was a huge step. They held hands, fingers intertwined, and Rose's free hand was settled across her slight baby bump.

"Are you nervous?" Jack asked, turning to look at Rose.

She thought about it for a moment, before grinning and honestly responding "No."

"You jump, I jump, right?" Jack squeezed her hand.

"Right," she responded, and it was then that they both stepped into the train car, ready to leave behind the old baggage and begin their new life. Together.


Author's Note: Wow wow wow! I can't believe I finished! Sorry for the suuuper long wait for the update. I hope it was worth it! I've also been doing a lot of other writing during this time, so I really can tell a change in my writing skill and style. Have you been able to notice a difference in how I write? I think it's better now. Anyways, this is officially the end of this story. Who knows, maybe I'll make an epilogue. I'm not sure. BUT thank you all so much for those who have stuck with me, commented, voted, and everything. It really means a lot. I'm pretty sure this will be one of my only officially completed stories (I have a bad habit of starting like 10 fanfictions at once and then not finishing any of them) so that's exciting! Really, thank you all, and I hope you enjoyed the story! Why does this feel so sad to me? I don't know lol. Anyways, THANKS AGAIN! I LOVE YOU READERS! Also long live Jack + Rose, the ultimate OTP

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