Sappy stuff

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Jack and Rose walked to the beach and watched as the sun set. Rose sighed happily but then realized what she had to do.

"Jack," she said.
"Hmm?" He replied and squeezed her hand.
"I have something to tell you. I think it's good news. I hope you will think it's good too. But I understand if you want to leave me because of it." Rose said nervously.

"Rose, nothing you do could ever make me stop loving you." Jack said
"Okay then... well I'm pregnant!" Rose exclaimed. Jack's eyes widened in surprise and happiness.

"Rose, that's amazing! I- wait, it's my kid right?" Jack asked excitedly.

"Jack! Of course!" Rose laughed.
Jack started smiling and dancing the polka, the same dance that he and Rose has done at the 3rd class party!!! Rose laughed at him but got up to join. Finally, they collapsed down on the sand. Sitting together watching as the sun drifted out of view and darkness engulfed their vision.

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