New Beginnings + a surprise

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Author's note: Sorry this is so short. I will continue as soon as possible! Also if you like this story, please comment and vote on it!   :)

***********************10 WEEKS LATER THAN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER************************

Rose was fitting in quite nicely in her new New York home. She had joined a women's suffrage group in the settlement home she was staying in, and was enjoying standing up for the rights of women in the nation. After Jack taught that she was strong and she should make her own way and not let others tell her what to do, she wanted to help others. Although it was hard to adjust to a significantly simpler lifestyle, Rose liked it, and like Jack had said, Rose had been "mailed to the wrong address." She didn't need luxury to enjoy the natural pleasures of life.

But Rose was having a hard time without Jack. Sure, she had only known him for 3 days, but he had taught her what it was like to really be loved. He had made her feel special. He showed her that there was a way out. And now she missed him like crazy. Rose knew that she should move on, and that her heart would go on, and that it would be hard, but she eventually would. EXCEPT, then she felt a rush of nausea coming on and a swift kick in the stomach. Rose leaned against the wall of her room.

"Well, I think I know what that means," she said to herself. She breathed heavily but could not stop the smile from spreading across her face. Even if Jack could not have survived, Rose would be having a child that was half his.(*OKAY YES I KNOW 11 WEEKS IS TOO EARLY TO HAVE KICKING SIGNS FOR A BABY BUT JUST PLEASE PRETEND IT'S POSSIBLE :) *) It made Rose feel like he was there with her in spirit. Ruth rubbed her stomach and began softly singing.

"Come Josephine in my flying machine, going up she goes! Up she goes! Balance yourself like a bird on a beam, in the air she goes! There she goes!"

Titanic: A Continued StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora