Docking in New York

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HONK! HONK! The Carpathia docked in New York and finally all of the passengers could get off. For some lucky ones, it was an extremely happy time,  and Titanic survivors found their worried loved ones. But for many, those who had lost family members in the sinking finally realized that they were gone. But one person, who had no family, might not even get off at all.

"He's still not awake," someone said, "what do we do?"                                                                                       "I guess we had better declare him dead," another person said.

Jack opened his eyes groggily and sat up. He had finally woken up from his coma. His eyes widened as he saw that he was in a hospital room.

"Where am I?" Jack asked.                                                                                                                                                 "Sir, you are on the ship Carpathia docked in New York. You were a Titanic survivor but you have been in a coma for the past 3 days." Suddenly it all came flooding back to Jack: winning the tickets for the Titanic, meeting Rose, having a romance with Rose, the ship sinking, and then Rose promising him that she would never let go.                                                                                                   

"Oh, shit! Shit! I've gotta get out of here! I need to find Rose!" Jack exclaimed. He started to climb out of his bed but one of the ship's doctors pushed him down.

"Need I remind you sir, you were just in a coma. We will need to do a thorough health exam on you before you will be permitted to leave." Jack groaned angrily and ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. But he sat down and let the doctor check him out.

After 30 minutes, the doctor had performed a thorough health exam and deemed Jack free to go. He raced out the door, and ran up the main staircase, and headed out one of the exits and into New York. And... no one was there. Of course there were a few groups of people, but the majority of the crowd had already left, excited to start or continue their new life in America.

"Damn it!" Jack shouted. He looked all around but could not see the fiery red hair that belonged to his love. He had missed Rose. And Jack had no way of knowing if she had survived. He just had to hope that someday, they would be together again.

Jack sat down on a bench and put his hand in his pocket. He felt something in there and pulled it out. It was a tatter of Rose's dress! It gave him hope that she must be alive. Except, New York was a big city. Would Jack ever be able to find her. Right then, Jack gripped the scrap tightly  and rested his head in his hands. That was when he started to cry. Harder than ever before, holding on the only piece of his long lost love. 

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