Chapter 28.5 [Sadiq]

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While being in the shopping plaza, Sadiq had forgotten about the cage he was placed in on the way here. He thought it was stupid. Just let him use the seatbelt like a normal citizen for crying out loud! This was extremely uncomfortable.

Sadiq had a whole new level of respect for regular animals. Especially cats. Everyone knows that cats love their space. Sadiq understood why it could be hell when getting a cat into a carrier.

Sadiq was against this horrible thing. However, he was scared to put up a fight. He didn't like how obedient and animal-like he was acting. Sadiq wondered if his concerning hypothesis was coming true: That he was becoming just like the other hybrids here, adapting the same behaviors and tendencies as them. Sadiq didn't want to become one of the simpleminded, human world hybrids.

He had degrees, a job, a life... All of Sadiq's possessions—sentimental and material—were back in his dimension. His family and friends were there too. He was nothing here. He had nothing here.

Well, he had hope and he had Hercules.

That was better than nothing.

He was pretty sure that it would take a while before he arrived back at that horrible place; The facility he was forced to reside in. Sadiq figured he might see Hercules for a second before being separated again. He wasn't looking forward to telling him that his search was going poorly.

The silence lingered for a while. Flavio had asked the driver up front to put up a barrier for privacy. With there being no one but Flavio and him, Sadiq thought it would be a good time to question the Italian. Unfortunately, the cage he was crammed into might ruin the chances of getting any (decent) answers.

Who is going to take a talking caged animal seriously?

"Are... Are you alright? You kind of left the store quickly—"

"I don't need to express myself to an ibrido."

Well... That was a fast response. Even though Flavio was being defensive, Sadiq still tried to see if he could get Flavio to speak. He may seem like a jerk at times, but Sadiq has a good heart. He's willing to help people. Even those who had hurt him or are in the process of doing so.

Also, Sadiq thought that if he could get Flavio to see that he was worthy of respect, then maybe Flavio would help him and Hercules. It would be beneficial to have contact with someone from the inside. Maybe, just maybe, Sadiq and Hercules will have help in getting back home. For Hercules's, Flavio's, and his sake, Sadiq tried again once more.

"Are you sure, man? You seemed nervous when we left. And, wait, didn't you have glasses on?" Sadiq asked, after realizing that Flavio was missing his signature accessory.

The blond flinched. For the whole ride, Flavio did his best to not look at Sadiq. He had been adverting his eyes and turning his head away. Yet Sadiq still noticed that the glasses were gone, a sign that something had clearly happened.

"I said it is nothing, ibrido. I don't need to say anything to you. You don't deserve to know anyways."

Again, Flavio shut him off. Whatever happened while he left Sadiq must have affected him greatly. Sadiq had no idea that an extrovert like Flavio could be as closed up as oyster. Still, oysters can be opened. Sadiq just needed to get him to speak.

Apparently, though, time wasn't on Sadiq's side. He thought that getting back to the facility would take a decent amount of time. However, he was wrong. From what he could see, he was closer to it than he thought. It wouldn't be long before he was locked inside of those walls again.

Fortunately, he might head out again later. Unfortunately, if he did go out, then he would be accompanied by Flavio again. And Flavio was being defensive at the moment.

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