Chapter 32 [Reader-Chan]

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"S-Sadiq," you began with a nervous voice, "I want to go home... How do we go home?"

As your eyes met, you noticed how his turned grim again. He took in a breath of air. Sadiq then looked away so he didn't have to face you as he replied. His tone matched yours—a tone with fear. When he spoke, the world just stopped. His words made you want to fall to the floor, and never get up.

"I don't know... I don't even think there is a way to get us home... Ever..."

You felt tears come to your eyes again. You couldn't think, victim of a foggy mind. You couldn't move, your body sore and frozen. Sadiq just confirmed that this was your life now. Being stuck in this nightmarish dimension and bringing others along too was all your fault. It had to be.

There was no known way to escape it either.

You never really got to have pity party with yourself, though. The sound of a human's voice made Sadiq jump and push you away. He whispered for you to flee, which you made you look at him in confused. After he said the word a second time, you finally obeyed.

You ran between the crowd of worried guests. While running, you noticed hybrids lying on the floor, their bodies terrifyingly still. You couldn't tell if they were dead or not, and the thought of that made you feel sick.

It was difficult to tell where the exits were. People were all over the place, some leaving and some completely lost. Since you didn't know where to run to, the next best thing you could do for now was to hide. You scrambled your panicked brain for a hiding spot. The only idea you could think of was to hide under a clothed table. It wasn't the best hiding spot, but it was something.

You rushed over to a table. A few broken glasses and plates rested on top of it. Someone must have broken them during their hysteria. As long as the table was fine underneath though, what it looked like up top didn't matter. Pulling up the table cloth and hiding under it didn't take long. Once you were fully out of view, you let out a long sigh for both relief and agitation. You were relieved to be out of sight, but was agitated that this was happening.

Who does this sort of thing? Why would someone want to attack a group of people? Your mind jumped to multiple conclusion quickly. Most of them being logical, while others were just unrealistic. Eventually you forced yourself to quit thinking about that so you could hopefully stop panicking even more.

Instead of focusing on the whys, you focused if the hows. Specifically the hows that have to do with time. How much time has passed since the first shot? How long will you have to hide for? A minute? An hour? An eternity? Time did not want to be your friend and it looked like they won't be for a while.

Even though you were supposed to be hiding, you just had to know what was going on with Sadiq. Was he alright? That voice sparked a nervous response from him. He told you to flee while he faced the person. Did he need any help? Was he fighting? Was he injured? You just had to go back and see to calm your nerves. You needed to be there for Sadiq.

However, as you were about to lift the covering, a face met yours. They caught you off guard, initiating your own fight-or-flight response, but you calmed down as soon as you recognized the person. A sigh escaped from your mouth before you said their name.

"Oh, it's just you Matthew..."

He smiled weakly. You could tell that he was scared. He must have saw you hide under the table. While you didn't fully understand why he did follow you, you guessed that he maybe wanted to be with a familiar face. Matthew probably didn't know what to do. Your best thought was to hide, his best thought was to find someone that he recognized. In a sense, both ideas ending up combining.

Interdimensional [Various! Hetalia X Hybrid! Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang