Chapter 10 [Reader-Chan]

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"Ciao! Buongiorno!" Feliciano's cheery voice sent a sharp pain in your ear. He was loud, especially to you since you were half asleep. You wondered why he was always in a good mood.

Honestly, you were kind of jealous about it. If you were happier, maybe you would think straight. And maybe then you could escape and find Hercules or just wake up.

You were convinced that this was all a dream. That you would wake up soon. After all, this place and society was too outlandish to be real in any dimension.

Deep down though, you were grateful to be here. You would never admit it, but that was true. Sure, the outcome is embarrassing and degrading as hell. But who else can saw that they've seen real live humans back where you're from?

You first learned about humans in Kindergarten. To you, they were just so interesting. As you got older and smarter, the idea of them got more fascinating. Creatures that had such brilliant minds. Creatures that lacked tails. And they had no ears that were rotatable at will.

Yet, there was the idea that there has never been one that walked the face of your earth. You mostly lost hope and belief of humans in [Middle School/Junior High]. It was during science class too. The memory wasn't a pleasant one, and you often tried to block it out. But what your teacher said did have some useful information that could be used now. Except you couldn't remember what they said...

Feliciano searched his closest for a sweatshirt. He figured that since you wore a T-shirt of his, and it fit, a sweatshirt would be no different. A navy blue hoodie caught his eye. The Italian flag was presented proudly on both the sleeves and the center. The word Italia was displayed on the back.

He and his brother each own one. Feliciano remembered how he surprised his brother by showing up unexpected. His brother went back to their home country for a while. He used to live in [Country] like Feliciano, but changed his mind for unnamed reasons.

The hoodie was placed beside you by Feliciano. You just looked at it and didn't know what he was doing. The Italian picked up on this and told you what he wanted.

"Can you change into that, per favore?" You nodded and waited for Feli to leave. Once he was gone, you shut the door and changed into the sweatshirt.

The fabric was soft but not to warm. Again, it was big for you, but you did your best to tailor it. You rolled up the sleeves and tied the backside so you don't trip. Would Feliciano mind if I tie this up with his supplies? You wondered. The rubber band you used was taken from his desk.

Feliciano had a mirror in his room. You did your best to see your reflection, but it was too high. You rolled over the desk chair to stand on it. Using your tail for extra balance, you stood up slowly. A turn to the left, a turn to the right. You were satisfied with how you looked and got down.

Although the hoodie looked good on you, it was still like a dress. You were only covered to slightly above your knees. At least the weather looked nice today...

When you were finished, you opened the door and walked out. Kiku was in the living room reading something and Feliciano was eating in the kitchen. There's only these two out here. Where's the third one? Footsteps thumped behind you. As you turned around, you came face to face with the German man himself.

"Beweg dich bitte." Even without understanding what he said, you still moved out of the way. He headed to the kitchen as you went the other way.

Kiku moved, opening a spot on the couch, which you took. The couch felt soft, and you realized that this was the first time you've been on it. The coffee table still seemed big to you, but you tried not to express it. You looked around for a remote. Only to have Kiku hold it out to you. You thanked him and then began to search for something you like.

You didn't know what to expect from this dimension for TV. It could've been just like yours or completely different. The news was your best bet since that wouldn't be much of a change, and so you learn about this place's current events.

Mostly weather forecasts were on and that was about it. Disappointed, you headed towards the kitchen to eat. Feliciano and Ludwig were eating some type of breakfast dessert. While that looked good, you wanted to eat something that you made. (And you didn't want to risk getting drugged or have anything bad happen to you...)

The bottom cabinets did not have any pots or pans, so you did the best you could to reach the higher ones. You also did your best to ignore Ludwig's glare and Feliciano's coos. (Thankfully, Kiku was out the room. And you didn't need three pairs of eyes watching you.) You finally found a pan that wasn't too heavy and brought it down.

Once it was set on the now heated stove, you opened the fridge and looked for eggs. Three white eggs were in your hands when you were done. You did your best to set them gently on the counter top. With some effort, you managed to get one of the chairs to the counter for you to stand on.

You started to make scrambled eggs. By now, Kiku had come into the kitchen and, with Feli and Ludwig, was very confused. None of them knew that you know how to cook. Hybrids almost never do that. Only those with extensive train could.

Everything was going perfectly for you. Unfortunately, you lost your balance on the chair. You fell and knocked over the pan. It (thankfully) didn't hit you or anyone else in the room. But your breakfast was ruined. You crossed your arms and pouted. This is just embarrassing... Did the three humans think less of you now?

Feliciano began to laugh and Kiku sighed and started to help you clean up. Meanwhile, Ludwig rubbed the side of his head. He was the only one who was annoyed. The other two thought that what happened was both funny and cute.

Kiku took the handle and set it in the sink. The eggs you were trying to make littered the floor. Kiku took some napkins and scooped those up before putting them in the trash. You felt bad that he was cleaning up your mess. To try to help, you offered to help with the dishes afterwards. This was when Ludwig finally stepped in.

"Nein. I think it's best if jou don't come in the kitchen for a vhile, [Name]. Kiku vill deal vith, this." He motioned the area that still had egg guts on it. When you fell, you also knocked over the egg shells that were on the counter. And there was still a bit of yoke in them.

You nodded as he walked out of the room. You felt bad. Your tail was in your hands as your ears were laid down on your head. Feliciano could tell that you were upset. He tried the best he could to cheer you up.

"Forget about what scary Ludwig says~! He's just mad that he has to be cooped up in a stuffy office. We're going shopping! Kiku, me, and you. You'll finally get new clothes and accessories now, [Name]. Wearing my clothes don't always seem to be a perfect fit for you..." Feliciano motioned at what you were wearing. It looked like you tried your best (and failed) to make it fit the right way.

"I agree with Fericiano, [Name]." Kiku said. "If you are going to wear human crothes, then you might want to get some that fit." You could've sworn you saw his eyes sparkle as he said the next part: "Me and Fericiano wirr take on this charrenge of finding the best crothes for you!"

You knew that they meant well. But sometimes, you wondered if you were here to be a living doll with cat ears...

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