Prologue [Reader-Chan]

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You arrived back at your home later than you wanted to. Your boss needed you to take the late night shift at the cafe you worked at. It was very busy tonight with a company hosting a party there. You didn't want to do it, but still, the late shift had good pay.

"Another day bites the dust," you sighed. You tossed all your stuff aside and slumped down on your couch. Turning your head, you saw the remote and grabbed it, turning on the TV. Some documentary movie about something random was playing. You rolled your eyes as you changed the channel to some random sitcom.

"How could you?! That was my job offer not yours!"

"At least I did it better."

"Why you-"

You sat up and ignored the staged argument the show had. The show didn't even interest you, it was only on for the noise. You took your bag to your room. You put your phone and portable battery to charge while curling up your headphones so they won't be tangled in the morning.

As you began to change into pajamas your phone's ringtone went off, signaling a call. You finished putting your shirt on and went to answer it.


"Hello, [Name]." A tired voice replied on the other end. It was your friend Hercules. He was a scientist studying dimensions. (Yet, you never really knew what his work title was.) Often he called you up with updates on his work. Maybe that was why he was calling now?

"Hercules! Hi. Did something big happen, is that why you are calling me?" Hopefully it wasn't disastrous or anything like that, you thought. That, would definitely be bad.

"[Name], you never allow surprises to happen. Yes, I found something. But I would like you to come see it in person. You have the day off tomorrow, yes?" You did have the day off.

"Yeah, I do actually. I can come at a little before noon. Does that work for you?"

"Yes, yes it does." You heard meowing in the background. Hercules often took care of "stray" cats. (Sometimes you couldn't tell if they were stray or if he got them from a pet shop.) He had a fascination with felines and cat-like hybrids. Perhaps that was why you both got along well? You were a cat hybrid. Or a neko. You had [Hair Color] ears and a [Hair Color] tail. Often you caught Hercules staring at them. Even if he was a neko too, he liked all things, or creatures, that are cat-like.

It was strange how he loved cats so much. But you couldn't be in a position to judge. After all, you had an interest in humans. A mythical creature! It was funny how they were. No special appendages, no animalistic traits, and they did well for a species that couldn't see in the dark or breathe underwater or fly.

You sat up off your bed and fixed some outfit for tomorrow. When that was done, you curled back into bed. Your tail coiled itself onto one of your legs as you fell asleep.

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