Chapter 5 [Reader-Chan]

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Your mood was peaceful when you woke up again. The temperature was perfect for you. You were laying on something comfortable as well. There was no loud sounds outside, so no terribly bad weather. And the lighting wasn't bothersome. All was good.

Until a massive headache kicked in and gave you paranoia as you realized you aren't in a familiar place. Not to mention, there was a foreign object around your neck: A collar.

Immediately you remembered everything. From the confusing overgrown men to the plant. Wait, the plant. You looked around and noticed that it wasn't nearby. The three men probably moved it. Was that why you had a headache? Were you drugged?! 

Back in your dimension, not many plants had that affect on hybrids. Was it a certain plant that was only native to here? You remembered that certain hybrids were more sensitive to some objects and changes over others.

Those with wings were more sensitive to changes in temperature, weather, and how the wind was blowing. Smells also never really bothered them. Aquatic hybrids were similar when it came to changes in water. They also had a zero tolerance policy to how poorly trash was discarded. Pollution of the slightest things could greatly harm them. Full-Body hybrids were lucky. Nothing could fully bother them. (You are quite envious of this.) As a Neko, you fell into the subcategory of feline Half hybrids. Feline Half hybrids could be affected by certain plants, smells, and food.

In fact, a few particular plants could be used as substitutes for drugs for feline hybrids. One well known plant comes to your mind. 

"Catnip!" You yelled out loud as mentally kicked yourself for not recognizing it sooner. Catnip wasn't allowed for use by the public back where you came from. It was just so rare. It can also be because it's either harmful, or just not allowed because of the effects it has on Nekos and other feline hybrids.

But as soon as you said the word aloud, you immediately covered your mouth and dropped your ears. What if the weird men heard you and came back? You really couldn't put up much of fight thanks to the height difference. Plus they were probably much stronger than you. (And the fact that they outnumbered you as well was another reason.)

You sighed, both out of disappointment and relief because no one showed up. Once you grabbed a hold of yourself, you began to snoop around some more. Of course, your headache was being a li'l jerk and coming and going as it pleases. (Much to your annoyance.)

Before you began your mini expedition, you attempted to get the collar off (or at least find a mirror to see how it looks on you). Unfortunately all failed attempts were made in vain. Stupid thing.

Your first destination to search for was a bathroom for obvious reasons. And it should hopefully contain a mirror. As you walked out of the fancy kitchen and into the hallway, you felt like something was off. Almost like you were being watched... Yet you shrugged it off and went into the first room you saw.

The door on the outside was plain but on the inside it had dozens of posters and photographs. Most of them consisting of various anime characters, but some were of cherry blossom sakura trees and photos of people in cosplay. There were also similar photos on the walls too.

You immediately thought this room belonged to the shortest member of the men. Kiku, was it?  You thought. 

He was in a few of the photos with someone else. (You couldn't tell if the other person was a boy or girl.) Kiku's bed was mostly white with a red circle in the center of each of his pillows. Was it supposed to look like the Japanese flag? Probably. 

From what you could gather, languages, accents, customs, countries, and nationalities all seemed to be the same as they were back home. Which was really good for you. You didn't want to offend anyone. (Even if you are considered a pet in this dimension.)

Even though you wanted to look around more, you decided to move on into the next room. It was just across the hall from this one.

Inside, you smelled some roses. Your enhanced scent allowed you to experience certain fragrances other hybrids can't. Even faint scents you could smell. 

But other than the scents, you noticed a few books on a desk. Some meant for reading, others for drawing. The room was relatively neat, yet it was also messy. There were some clothes on the floor, like a shirt and two pairs of pants. 

The bed wasn't made. A white and green bed sheet covered the bed while dark red blanket was balled up messily on a corner. The colors from the flag of Italy, maybe?  You guessed.

Once you were satisfied with yourself, you wandered out of the room. Other than the bathroom or some random extra room, Ludwig's room was left. You didn't want to go in there. He pulled your tail, and helped with the collar and catnip. With flattened ears and a tail around your legs, you shivered at the recent memories.

You gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought that he could still be a good person. It was just that the only encounters you had with him were... Not so pleasant to say the least.

Luckily, at the end of the hallway, you found the bathroom. You were quite grateful that you didn't have to go in the German's room. Unfortunately, you couldn't see your reflection in the mirror. It was too high!

You sighed. "Just my luck..." You looked around the (big and lavish) restroom. It looked so pretty! The constellation theme was a nice touch for it. There was a hanging miniature chandelier with stars clinging on and off it. And a photo of a star nebula was on the grey wall. Yet you didn't look around for the decor. You were searching for a stool.

There was none in sight. But there was a closet built into the room so you decided to check in there. There was a stool, much to your joy. It looked old and worn out, but you didn't care. You used it anyways.

When you had managed to obtain your balance, you moved closer to your reflection. The collar around your neck was [Favorite Color] and had a bell. You shook your neck and head. But the bell was silent. You dubbed it broken. Also on the collar was an empty name plate. Is it empty because they didn't know what my name was or was going to be? Thoughts and questions often plagued your mind. Especially now that you weren't sure what was going to happen from here on out.

Even if you can now see the collar, you still couldn't take it off. You tried twisting it to see if it was Velcro or if it was locked like a normal necklace or choker. Speaking of necklaces and chokers, the collar you were wearing was nothing like either. It felt and seemed like an entirely different object. It didn't hurt or choke you, but you still didn't like it. (And you hated it even more so how you couldn't take it off.)

You sighed. You lost track of how many times you were doing this today, it was happening a lot. The floor felt cool as you slid onto your back on it. Everything just felt hopeless. You didn't want this to be your life from now on. You didn't even know if Hercules or anyone else knew you were missing.

You grudgingly sat back up and decided to look around again. With a shrug, you walked to the door and closed it. You proceeded to do your business before leaving. After you were done and washed your hands, you headed back to the living room in hopes of understanding more about your role in this dimension from the book in there.

Suddenly, just as soon as you got close, your ears twitched and heard people coming back to the apartment. It must be the three men, you thought. The jingling of keys was coming closer and closer. Eventually the door opened and the roommates walked in.

"Ludwig, look! She was waiting for us! Come here, [Name]!" The Italian's words were the last things you heard before you bolted and ran.

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