Chapter 19 [Reader-Chan]

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"So she can act like a cat! I thought she was just a modified human from one of those crazy sci-fi shows! Dude, this is an amazing discovery!"

"Of course she can act like a cat, Al. She's a hybrid! She's bound to act like her animal half."

"Yeah, but she never shows any signs of it. It's like she was raised differently than us! It's like she was raised as a human! Hm... Maybe that's why she can talk to humans..."

You rolled over, your back to the voices. You knew who they belonged to. Matthew and Alfred have been in your life for about two to three days now. For some reason, though, it felt like longer. Maybe it was just their personalities? They both have that ability that makes it seem like you've known one another for forever.

"Can you two be quiet? I never get sleep anymore... And how am I acting like a cat?"

"You said you wanted us to be quiet~!" That was Alfred.

"Yeah, well just answer my question already, please."

You moved to face them again. They were already dressed in everyday clothes. Both boys were wearing hoodies. Alfred's was a dark navy blue. A few stars decorated area just above his heart. Matthew's hoodie was a bright carmine. Instead of stars, he had a single maple leaf on his.

"Feliciano sent us to wake you up. We just noticed how you were sleeping. It seemed very catlike." Matthew said.

"I thought you were an alien of some sort! A defender of another galaxy!" He proceeded to make multiple gestures that you could only assume were meant to be spaceships.

"You two are weird..." You mumbled.

"No, just Alfred." Matthew replied, causing Alfred to shrug his shoulders.

The two brothers walked out of the room, leaving you behind. You rubbed your eyes. What time was it? It was obviously morning. A yawn escaped your mouth. God, I'm tired. You said mentally. After a moment or two, you got off the bed and followed the brothers' direction.

You thought they vanished when you arrived at the end of the hallway. Out of the corner of your eye, though, you saw them sitting at the table. Feliciano was at the counter, cutting something. You sauntered into the kitchen. Feliciano noticed you and said good morning to you in his native language.

"Buongiorno, [Name]. Did you sleep well? If you want, I can see if I'm allowed to get you a bed of your own. Hybrids can sleep on the floor, but some like to sleep in beds. I guess you're one of them." He said.

"Hey, [Name], me and Mattie are like that too!" Alfred spoke. His voice was loud, but it wasn't loud enough to wake you up fully. You were still tired.

"That's great..." You replied. "What does today look like?"

Feliciano came over with three plates. He seemed like a waiter belonging to a fancy restaurant. He probably had lots of practice in that area. You worked at a cafe for a year and you still weren't that good with plates. Feliciano set the plates down in front of you, Matthew, and Alfred. You stared at its contents: Cut up apple slices. Honestly, you could have cared less at the moment. You and the other two hybrids began eating while Feliciano started talking.

"Well, everyone else is gone. Kiku went out on his own. Ludwig had some type of meeting to go to. And Gilbert, Antonio, and Francis wanted to go to some... Fun place? That's what they said anyways." He shrugged, then he smiled. "So you guys get to spend the day with me! We'll walk around the city together! All of us!" Feliciano looked so happy and excited.

Alfred turned to you. His mouth was full, yet he still tried to talk to you.

"I love it when Feliciano watches us! He's so much better than Ludwig and Kiku at it. Ludwig is too stern and seems to hate us. And Kiku never takes us anywhere, we always have to stay inside... Feli is the best! You're so lucky, [Name]. You get to be with him everyday!" Alfred smiled at the end.

Interdimensional [Various! Hetalia X Hybrid! Reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum