Chapter 34 [Reader-Chan]

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After you hurried down the short flight of stairs, you took in your surroundings. You were behind the gala building. Its design was relatively the same, but you found the front to be more appealing. A courtyard was a small distance away from you. A water fountain stood in the center. From where you were standing, there was a stone walkway leading to the fountain.

You looked for any nearby roads or cars. A few cars passed by your far right and left, their sounds barely audible. Though you had little to no idea where you were, you made the decision to get as far away as possible from your current location. The farther away the better. Maybe you could find your way back to where Vash and Lili were. There seemed to be lots of hybrids in that area, both living with humans and on their own. It seemed like a safe place for hybrids to live. You just needed to remember to stay away from humans. Of course, that won't be too much of an issue for you.

You started to walk along one of the roads. Since it was now nighttime, there were very few people out on the streets right now. Occasionally you would cross paths with a pedestrian or two. They either ignored your presence or gave you a worried yet gentle smile. Their reactions made you guess that a hybrid walking alone was an abnormal occurrence.

Honestly, when you thought about it, it was. You were basically a lost animal or stray. If you saw an actual animal walking alone at night you would also be concerned. But you also wouldn't do much about it. That was the same mentality these humans had towards you. Even if the idea hurt, you were grateful that you were being left alone.

While you continued to walk, you thought about your predicament. You went from a normal life to trying to survive in alternative dimension. This would have been your dream, being surrounded by a species that you were fascinated by; Learning how they lived and acted. But now you realized that this way of life is a nightmare. You didn't have your friends, you didn't have your possessions, and your education was meaningless here. Your current state was pitiful.

Sadiq and Hercules also crossed through your mind. How are they holding up? What have they experienced? It couldn't have been anything good from what you could tell.

Sadiq seemed scared when you saw him. It was unlike him. Back in the hybrid dimension, you knew him as an energetic, cocky, and stubborn person. Now he acted timid and fearful of the world around him. You could only wonder what he experienced here that made him change. The same went for Hercules as well.

This whole thing is all my fault. I was stupid, so stupid... I wish I could turn back time and stop myself from developing this obsession. Maybe that would stop this event from ever happening. But where did my obsession even come from...?

You lacked an answer for your own question. There were many things in your childhood and adolescence that lead to the development of your obsession of humans. It could have been the stories you used to read about them. It could have been how others told you not to learn about them, making you do so out of spite. It could also just have been an interest you acquired on your own. There really was no "true" answer.

It just... Happened.

The streets were now completely empty. There were finally no other pedestrians but you. The number of cars had reduced as well. Besides the moon, streetlights were your only source of light. You looked at one of them. The light gave off a peaceful aura and brought you a short moment peace. However, the light's glow was a reminder of what you were often warned about back home while growing up.

How many times have you heard those above you tell you to work hard or else? You were expected to learn and work hard towards a successful life. As you recall, many other hybrids were told the same thing. But what even is success? Doesn't it vary based of the individual? You believed that success was determined by how happy and satisfied someone is with their life. As long as someone is proud of where they are and what they have accomplished, then they are successful. You used to think that, anyways.

Apparently, success was when you found a good paying job, when you slept in a nice home, and had a healthy lifestyle. It was hard for you to do all of those things. After you graduated, you found yourself still working the same job. You were still living in apartment that you should have moved out of already. You were still indecisive of what career path you should take. Everyone said that had so much potential. Now you felt like it was wasted away.

The things I had back home... I was grateful, but I did want more... I don't have anything now. I'm homeless. There's nowhere I can go. There's no job I can get. There's nothing for me. I can't be happy here. It's bad enough that this is my situation, but it's even worse that I dragged others—others who were successful—down with me.

You sighed.

"There has to be a way to fix this..."

You stopped walking after you said those words. A new thought went through your mind. If this was your fault, then you were going to fix it. You had too. You just needed to build a plan. The only problem there was that you didn't know where to start.

I already have the goal to head towards the place where Vash and Lili are... Hmm... Oh! I got it!

An idea suddenly came to you. You would try to live on your own (or with another wild hybrid if possible) once you arrived at the area Vash and Lili lived near. When you were ready, you hopefully could somehow rescue Hercules or Sadiq. Either by finding the place they were being kept and freeing them, or by bumping into them like you did today. After you find them, you all could attempt to get back home together.

It was a highly flawed plan, hardly realistic or possible. And even if it was possible, the chances of success were very low. You knew all this though. However, this plan really was the best you could think of at the moment. Plus, you didn't feel like you had any other options. You felt that this plan was safer and better than staying with the three humans. With this plan, you would at least have a better control of your life; You would at least have a chance at saving you and your friends. You would at the minimum know that you would have hope of returning home.

That's what it felt like to you.

That's what you made yourself believe.

Once again, you started to carry on walking. While you knew that you were safe—at least safer than where you were earlier—you still had feeling that something was off, which bothered you. You looked around your surroundings. It really was just you who was out. And yet you still had this feeling.

Your walking speed increased. The cars that were parked along the road appeared to be empty. Those cars didn't seem as much of a threat to you. You looked behind yourself. No one was following you. However, you did see a red car turning from the street corner. The driver's face was unidentifiable, too blurry and too dark for you to make out. They didn't seem like a threat either. Still, you didn't want them to pass you while you were out in the open.

You walked by an alleyway. From what you could see, a dumpster and a few trash cans lined up along the walls of it while a fence separated it from another street. Though you knew better than to enter an area like this, especially during the night, the alleyway was out of sight and almost hidden from the street. You could also sit there and rest. It wasn't the best, but beggars can't be choosers.

You turned to enter the alley. A bench was sitting in the middle of it. Not sitting on cold cement in a dress was a relief. You sat down on the part that was closest to the fence. Once you were comfortable, you released a breath of air. Today was mess. It left you exhausted. You could only hope that tomorrow will be better. But while you hoped for a better tomorrow, you were scared of what the reality would be.

"Tomorrow... Won't you please be better?"

You moved your head towards the empty sky and closed your eyes while still maintaining that position. The stars were unable to be detected by the blind eye. You knew that, having been living in a city before. Yet not seeing the stars didn't stop you from imagining them. It was fun to pretend—fun to believe.

Maybe if you weren't pretending though, you would have heard the car door close. Maybe you would have sensed the person walking closer towards your direction. If you weren't pretending, then you might not have been scared of reality. But sometimes, reality is only scary because it's not pretend; It's scary because we aren't yet prepared—aren't yet prepared for things we can't control.

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