Chapter 15.5 [Hercules & Sadiq]

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The two hybrids felt sore and stiff. Neither of them went out to the gym that much. Or at least, they didn't work out so hard. Luciano forced Hercules to work on his arm muscles. He wanted the hybrid to be stronger in that area. Hercules already had good strength, but Luciano wanted it to reach its maximum.

Sadiq was forced to work more on his stamina and speed. Being a dog hybrid meant that he was good for guarding, tracking, and hunting. Of course, neither of those things were needed. But Sadiq was going to be put to work in other ways.

It had been a couple of days since they started working out more. Already there were some improvements. However it could have been them just getting used to their situation. Today though, they were told that things will be different. The mafia leader took them to a different room. Through a different hallway. To a different, unknown area.

Which made it harder to escape.

Hercules had been keeping close tabs on the schedule he was put on so far. He may look and act lazy, but he was still very smart. The Greek Neko looked for ways to escape. He paid attention to specific details and errors. Him and Sadiq spent their limited socializing time coming up with plans for their escape.

They discovered that their rooms are next to each other, and communicate through the walls in Morse code. But the cameras in their rooms made it difficult. Sometimes they had to pretend that the knocking was accidental or out of boredom. So far, no one had completely caught on. Yet.

Now the two hybrids were at the mercy of their captors again. They only were just earning some privileges back. Privileges such as walking to and from their rooms to the gym or kitchen. Or being able to watch TV in their rooms. (Sadiq missed his shows and sports. But Hercules didn't want to watch soap operas. He instead checked for the news. He wanted to know what went on in this dimension.) A new area meant that it was easier to lose some of those privileges. And it also meant that they would be forced or subjected to something they didn't want to do.

When the Turk and Greek arrived at their location, they were confused. Why is there a science laboratory here? They both wondered. But as they looked around some more, they grew excited. Both of them were scientists. Seeing this was like stepping back into their comfort zone.

Sadiq was a chemical physicist. Back before this situation, he was trying to see if he could make a new chemical structure. He was adding and deducting molecules and ions to different chemical structures in hopes that something would click. Unfortunately, in the end, he ended up making a small explosion. Then he accidentally broke some containers. When Hercules came to investigate, he was already riled up and ready to charge at anyone.

However, even if they were next door, Hercules didn't go into that career choice. He never always gave a proper answer to you about his job. It was like he wanted to keep it a secret or a surprise.

The scent of disinfectant was easily noticed. Especially to those with sensitive noses. (Hybrids.) It took a minute, but the hybrids eventually got used to the strong smell.

Sadiq took everything in the most. He was reminded of his lab, the memories that associated with it were coming back to him. He looked over at Hercules, who, again, was lost in thought. Sadiq was around Hercules, Luciano, Lutz, and Kuro only. So the social part of him practically jumped when he saw a new person in the room. However, his excitement turned back into fear when he realized they weren't a hybrid at all. And it looked like Luciano wasn't happy to see them either.

"Stupido fratello! Cosa stai facendo qui (Stupid brother! What are you doing here)?"

The newcomer held himself like a model. He looked similar to Luciano due to having a similar curl. Yet it was on the opposite side. His hair was blonde. Very blonde. It made Hercules and Sadiq wonder if he dyed it. They couldn't tell though. The outfit he had on was almost entirely white. A coral scarf covered his neck while a black shirt was underneath his blazer. Those were the only other colors he wore.

Even if he was sharply dressed, he didn't seem to have any other purpose here. His presence seems to only piss off Luciano. Luciano was definitely the one in charge, who would want to piss of the boss?

"Fratellino (little brother)! I come down to check on something for myself and you're giving me attitude? Che maleducato (how rude)!"

"Not rude at all! I own this place. I call the shots. And I want you to get out! Who even let you in? My blood pressure rises when I'm in your presence!"

"I think you're mistaking admiration with hypertension, little brother. Either way, I'm done here."

Luciano was fuming. His older brother had a smirk on his face as he walked away. Except he wasn't completely gone before he said: "I love you!" Now Luciano acted like he wanted to rip someone's eyes out.

"Let's get this over with..." He mumbled. "Kuro!"

Kuro was dressed differently. Instead of his usual dark outfit, or any colorless outfit, he now wore a white coat with a blue shirt underneath. This was the most color the hybrids have seen on him.

He stood by some beakers and flasks. A pair of beaker tongs was in his hand. Kuro dangled them from his hands as his nose was buried in a book. He had reading glasses on, and it was obvious he didn't want to be bothered. Nonetheless though, he still responded to Luciano.


"Don't 'hai' me. You have a job. You may be my comrade and ally, but don't piss me off." Luciano eyed him down. Kuro still look annoyed. Yet he was unaffected by Luciano's threats.

To Kuro, Luciano was only an immature coworker. He pulled stuff like this all the time towards him and Lutz. Yet that doesn't mean he hates the guy. He still had some respect for Luciano. After all, Luciano needs him as much as he needs Luciano. The Italian knew that Kuro could be a threat. He knew that Kuro had a big following. He just has an unhealthy way of expressing anger.

Sometimes both Kuro and Lutz would wish that their partner was better behaved. Unfortunately, Luciano was the leader of the three. The Japanese man would never admit it, but he preferred Lutz's way of dealing with anger. Bottle it up and release it later. As long as it isn't bottled up too long.

Kuro let out a sigh. He glanced at Luciano, who still held warning glare, and got up. He set his book down. The tongs he held went into a beaker and pulled out two pills. The pills were set in an empty container as they dried.

Meanwhile, Luciano elbowed Lutz in the stomach. Lutz held his injured stomach.

"Vhat the hell, man?! That hurt!"

"You're not bleeding. You will get over it." Luciano replied. He then made a motion with his hand as he walked towards the exit. "Come on now. We don't need to be here." His face turned to Kuro's direction. "Let Kuro have his fun."

The hybrids felt like they were dropped from the sky. Their expressions fell. During the time Luciano and Kuro were socializing, they have been examining the laboratory.

Sadiq tried to educate Hercules on some aspects, thinking that Hercules would not know. Yet the Neko surprised him with knowledge that was almost equivalent to what he knew. It was just slightly less advanced. ("We took a course together. Did you forget, Sadiq?")

Both of them were so happy to be in element again, they forgot why they were actually here. Hercules thought it was going to be torture. Sadiq thought they were going to be here to be test subjects. In a way, they were both right.

"Arright. Ruciano and Rutz are gone. It is now my turn to have fun and see what your rimits are."

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