Chapter 24.5 [Sadiq]

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After hearing Luciano's voice from the room next door, Sadiq knew that he would be next. He heard Luciano yell at Hercules. Sadiq couldn't help but feel bad. He may see Hercules as a rival and frenemy, but he's not heartless. And Hercules may not show it, but words do hurt him. The effects can be present. Subtle, but present.

Sadiq waited until the crazy Italian would be in his room. Strangely enough though, Luciano never showed up. He just disappeared with Hercules. That wasn't a good sign. Sadiq began to worry about Hercules's safety. Anything could happen here. Humans were insane, and neither hybrid wanted to stay here any longer.

Sadiq hoped that Hercules could work on his dimension traveling machine again. He still had the blueprints. (Unless they were stolen. That possibility is unfortunately very likely...) However, it seems as though he won't be able to without any supervision from the humans. Even if they managed to make it, could they even use it to escape? What if Luciano or someone else jumps in? Then what? They'd terrorize that dimension as well!

But at the same time, they would be powerless. Maybe even nonexistent. In the hybrid world, humans don't exist. They are only myths. Perhaps any human coming to the hybrid world would be stuck or rejected. Hybrids exist here, so that could be why the only physical problem was height. Sadiq didn't know what to think if the roles were reversed.

There was a knock at Sadiq's door. Someone was waiting for him on the other side. Sadiq was about to respond to whoever it was, but was caught off guard when the person allowed themselves in.

"So this is what the hybrid rooms look like. How horrid! There's nothing here at all save for a bed and TV. How can you live like this? Don't worry, ibrido (hybrid), you get to spend the day with me! A little time with me is what you need."

It was Luciano's brother. If Sadiq was right, his name was Flavio. Flavio was as flamboyant as a peacock. Perhaps even more so. Sadiq didn't know what to expect from him. He's only really seen Flavio once, and he barely had any interaction with him during that time. Since he doesn't know Flavio that well, Sadiq was a little worried. After all, he is related to Luciano.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." He said. "So... Why are you here?"

Flavio walked towards him. His outfit was a combination of formal and casual; A pink shirt and dark gray pants. Sadiq noticed that he had a blue scarf on too. It seemed comfortable, yet he doubted that Flavio wore it for comfort only. He had the same rose-tinted glasses on. Flavio must really like them if he wears them so often. Sadiq wondered what the meaning behind them were.

"Hm..." He paused for a second. Then, he spoke again with a smile. "Because I can. I was going to spend time with my little brother's friend—the quiet one—but he changed his mind. I was expecting that. He's always a loner. But he said I could be with you! My little brother even allowed it as well! I could always use another ibrido. Especially for tonight. Usually, I need to inspect them myself though. I need to make sure they're up to my standards. However, you're different. Very different. You're rare. La rarità è costosa. Costoso è di alta classe." He said.

Sadiq didn't know enough Italian to understand what Flavio said. But whatever Flavio was thinking and talking about probably wasn't going to be good for him. Being here, in this messed up—and backwards—dimension, was dangerous. He was prone to all sorts of things here. God knows what he would experience today.

However, at the same time, he was hopeful about today. Even if Flavio was potentially dangerous, Sadiq wanted to do something other than what he normally experiences. Sadiq's normal day involved excessive exercising, being one of Kuro's victims, and sitting alone. Anything could be better than that. Anything. Maybe that's why he was so quick to agree to Flavio. Flavio was offering something that he craved: Outside world interaction, and being treated like a normal civilian.

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