amplified pain I

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Narrator: Kala

Chapter 17

I needed to get out of the house. There was too much going on there and I needed a break. So what I needed was some fresh air. There was no better place than Highgrave Hill. I was planning on practicing healing magic. After being so terrible all these years, it was the least I could do.

I was walking up the hill with some seed packets. I planned to make a little garden near the graveyard. It was something for the ghouls to enjoy. They looked like they needed a hobby. Halfway there, I saw some familiar faces.

"Kala!" Emilia waved.

"Mila, why are you here?" I asked her noticing the entourage with her.

"Helping Romulus recover a lost bounty and finding Mikayla, you?" she responded.

"I was going to garden today on the hill," I told her.

"Do you want to help us, Kala!?" Jezebel asked while Emilia scowled.

"We don't need her," Emilia whispered to Lily.

I couldn't tell if they were talking about Jezebel or myself. I wouldn't blame them for hating me. However, Lily seemed to disagree with her. She walked over to me and offered her hand.

"You can join us, it's fine," Lily smiled.

I decided to just follow them anyway. We were going to the same place, after all. Along the way, Caligula tried to sing with Romulus shushing him. When we got to the hill, a full-on brawl was happening. It was between the lady from the club and some weird lightsaber chick.

"It's over Cheryl!" lightsaber chick cackled.

"We don't need to fight, Patrick," the other woman insisted.

While they fought, I noticed Emilia inching towards the captured reporter nearby. However, a man with stringy white hair grabbed her from a nearby hiding place. He put her in a headlock and began laughing like a madman.

"Who are you?" Emilia grunted.

"Oh, Nightmare deity, come to me," the man sang ignoring Emilia.

As if responding to him, Mikayla and the waitress from the club uncloaked themselves.

"Get away from her, Fredricks," the waitress growled.

The look on Jezebel's face confirmed it. That was the nightmare elder god. However, Fredricks wasn't afraid in the slightest. Before the elder god could do anything, the Lightsaber chick stuck her with a syringe filled with liquid.

She teleported with Fredricks leaving us with the shaking elder god.

Balancing act: Fractured Dreams (Balancing Act #5)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt